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REAL logo prices

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. #1
    I just wanted to make a quick post here about logo prices. I just registered in this forum today but I'm seeing the same pattern here that I see everywhere else. Everyone wants cheap logos. There is a huge difference in quality in a $30 logo compared to a $150 logo. If you buy a $30 logo people will be able to tell. You might as well not even have a logo. Yes, I am a graphic artist, and yes I do make logos, so I guess you could say that I am complaining, but really there is something that you guys could get out of it if you heed my warning. Look around, find a really really good logo and ask how much they paid for it. There was a thread that's closed now about a guy who posted about $150 logos. That's in the high end of what I charge for a logo, but you could easily spend that if you want it done by a pro. All of you who were complaining that that is too high have obviously never had a real logo made. Ok, I'm done.
    TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  2. TommyCharles

    TommyCharles Member

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    Even the Digital Point logo is pretty awful. It looks rather 'cheap'.
    TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  3. dmi

    dmi Well-Known Member

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    You are right. But you cannot change the whole mentality of the people populating this forum. It's like that here, so this is probably not the place for you. You should go to some other sites where you can charge more (real price).
    dmi, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  4. TommyCharles

    TommyCharles Member

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    awwwwwwww I know :). I wasn't planning on doing any graphic design business on this forum, I was just looking around and noticed people asking for logos for $20 and felt I should warn them. It's just, the main problem is at that price you don't usually get mock ups. It's nice to have three different versions of the logo so you can pick the one you like. But hey, to each his own, and if there are say, 20 new requests for logos a day on this or any other forum for $20 to $50 and their standards aren't too high I will be glad to do them all. Business is business, I get that.
    TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  5. blueneoncams

    blueneoncams Peon

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    A logo's value is put at the amount the designer is selling, and the amount someone is prepared to pay..

    Now, I have looked around for logo's, and I see a clear pattern.. You can buy a logo for $30-$50 and everyman and his dog has the same, just different text and font.. Or you can buy a one off design around $150-$2000 but expect to get all the source files, and different flavours for web, letter heads, company embroidery... That's the difference..

    Edit : One more thing I forgot to mention:- British turn up their noses at London Olympics logo
    blueneoncams, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  6. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    Hi Tommy. There are plenty of us making alot of money at proper hourly rates on DP. The trick is to figure out how to go about it. This is not only in design, but SEO, Copywriting, web application development, etc. ;)

    As a matter of discourse, your comment on the DP logo seems to invalidate your theory about the necessity to brand something. DP is one of the biggest, most fluid forums on the web. The logo doesn't seem to matter much if at all. Sure, I would like to see some sort of poofy, well thought out logo when I come here but, the peanut gallery could care less. Folks come here for help, information, and to make useful contacts. I hang around because I have a thing for helping people.(keeps me honest)

    There is a huge difference between someone needing a quick logo or typographical element vs. someone requiring a brand. Most folks wanting a quick logo are throwing it on some sort of adsense based forex site in which the logo will frankly not matter.

    hope that helps and welcome to DP :)

    Nigel Lew, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  7. TommyCharles

    TommyCharles Member

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    Thanks for the comments guys!

    It was just a remark about it's aesthetics, this forum is obviously insanely popular. I was amazed when I saw 800 people in the same forum at the same time. Nevertheless a forum is not the same as a clothing label, or a website, if you know what I mean. The concept of 'logo' is completely different there. I don't think people come back here because of it's crappy logo and that's exactly my point. They come back for the reasons that you mentioned. A website selling brand name clothing that everyone else and their uncle Ted sells too needs a logo that will make them stand out and they won't get it for $30, is all I'm saying.
    TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  8. TommyCharles

    TommyCharles Member

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    Yes, exactly. Also, the goal of any logo designer should be to take two things into account:
    1) What is the brand all about
    2) what is their unique attribute
    And come up with a logo that blends the two in a way that makes people take pause and notice.

    A logo should make you stand out from the crowd. Basically it should be graphical ad copy.
    TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  9. stevepmd

    stevepmd Peon

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    I saw that post aswell for a $150. logo. I have paid $10.00 for a logo its on my blog now and I think it look just as good. Now I have paid $120.00 for a logo and I could not get them to make it my way so I lost out. Now for your point you get what you paid for and that is true 85% of the time. One more point, I can't afford $150.00 right now so I would rather pay someone $20.00 and give them a free link in the website or blog. Just my 2 cents.

    stevepmd, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  10. Social.Network

    Social.Network Member

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    Higher rates do not necessarily mean better, I have paid over $300 for logos and the results were junk! Also, you need to understand that some of the designers are not from the US requesting $50 per hour+. I have worked with many designers from Germany, Belgium, New Zealand, etc. where their effective rates are lower than the $150 logo designers with excellent results. Lastly, designers that do offer services here have to be competitive. The definition of pro is clearly misunderstood and overused too. Let's see your portfolio.
    Social.Network, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  11. kye172

    kye172 Peon

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    kye172, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  12. Sensei.Design

    Sensei.Design Prominent Member

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    well I would not call it logos what he'S creating :D but he'S right in the point that the prices on dp are lower then on other boards or even in reality.... but everybody get'S what he pay'S for so it'S their desicion if they wnat to get something cheap or some quality work which will be more expensive
    Sensei.Design, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  13. LucyChase

    LucyChase Peon

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    Why oh why does it always have to come down to making snide comments about fellow designers? Everyone has their own style and it is really very unprofessional to read such comments as "promptly started laughing"

    Come on guys, lets show a little maturity and respect for each other, I am sure you would expect it in return!

    Lucy x
    LucyChase, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  14. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    Right on Lucy. Thread goes south in 3...2..:rolleyes:

    Nigel Lew, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  15. kye172

    kye172 Peon

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    You write in pink and end posts in x's, hardly the peak of maturity is it?

    Sorry but I'm feeling a little synical today, spent the past 4 hours on a logo development and aren't getting anywhere I'm happy with

    Although I am still sick of every man and his dog with a cracked copy of Photoshop claiming to be designers
    kye172, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  16. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    urggh. People, a little decorum please. Otherwise, now we will get rash of folks stating the obvious.

    1. It's spelled cynical
    2. That is clearly not pink.
    3. x is a common replacement for convenience sake when typing a last name. Or, x means hug, like xoxo
    4. Purple, with said green and a raised font point, makes her post the most readable and usable thread in here.
    Nigel Lew, Oct 25, 2008 IP
    grimsqueaker likes this.
  17. TommyCharles

    TommyCharles Member

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    Well you are certainly welcome to your opinion of my work :). I can take critique, it only makes us better. Though if you laugh at it, I must say that you are not in good company. Each logo listed there was provided for $100 to $150 and my clients were happy. Each got what they were envisioning. If I were more insecure maybe the 'snide' comments would bother me, but as long as my clients are happy that persons opinion is rather irrelevant to me as I don't know whether he or she has a grasp of what makes good art or bad, or more to the point, what makes a good logo. Or even the difference between a logo and a poster, as not all of those on the first page are logos. I must also stay within the boundary of what the client wants. Some do not allow much artistic license. Finally, I do not use photo shop, I think that software is rather overrated and confining. Finally, lets see some of your work. Anyone willing to make comments like that surely thinks they can do better.

    As far as $10 logos looking great, of course they can :). Just like generic brand soda can be as good as coke. But it's the exception, like you said.

    But if being competitive means selling $10 logos, count me out. It's the principle. Mcdonald's tastes good too, but eventually it will kill you.
    TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  18. TommyCharles

    TommyCharles Member

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    Any designer with satisfied clients is a designer. What standard are you using?
    Maybe you should vent a little less and focus a little more.
    TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  19. grimsqueaker

    grimsqueaker Peon

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    Here's a tip Tommy - I won't say a word about your logos cause it looks like you're about to get slammed for them anyway, but if you're going to go on and on about 'professionalism' and industry rates, for goodness sakes get your works off DEVIANTART, fork over the $10 it costs for a proper domain and make your own professional portfolio.

    FYI, I think $100-150 is a good range for a student who makes logos as a hobby - it looks like that's what you're doing and what I charge as well. 'Real' logos, well-researched with a lot of thought, effort, consultation ,etc. run upwards of $600, not $100.
    grimsqueaker, Oct 25, 2008 IP
  20. TommyCharles

    TommyCharles Member

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    Why? Leaving aside for the moment that I do have a dedicated website, Deviant is a constant source of income for me. Job Posters there are usually deviant members themselves so it is convieniant to be able to note them directly from the site and to allow them to view work samples without having to leave the site. Besides if someone wants to hire me they should do so based on the quality of my work not on where I post it. I wouldn't wan to work with someone so shallow anyway, they are usually not very good clients. At least most Deviants know the value of graphic arts.

    Yes logos sell for more than $150. Because of the degrading perceived value of graphic arts you have to work for large corporations or wealthy individuals to get that kind of pay.

    As far as my logo examples, please do give your criticism. I wouldn't want someone to pay for something that isn't good. Many of those logos are made to fit into a wider area, a web page or a banner. So if you are expecting the typical white background you won't find it.
    TommyCharles, Oct 25, 2008 IP