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Recommend A Good Flash Book?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Tyson, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. #1
    Hi there. I'm looking for a good Flash CS3 textbook; something that can be approached by a beginner and put down a few months from now as an advanced user. I want to learn all the fine points of Flash design, and enough ActionScript to start implementing my work into dynamic sites (ie, Flex).

    I'm an expert XHTML/CSS designer and Photoshop user, but I'm a total newbie with Illustrator and vector-art in general. I've used Flash a few times, but my only professional experience with the product line is using Captivate.

    I don't want to waste my money on whatever lame-ass tutorial-book they'll have at Borders. Can someone recommend the ultimate Flash textbook?
    Tyson, Aug 29, 2007 IP
  2. webjames

    webjames Peon

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    I'm looking as well.
    More CS3 books are starting to crop up now i am noticing.

    I discovered, 'How to Wow with Flash' and i think it is a great real-world book written by Colin Smith who is very advanced with PS. You might like this but its probably not the 'ultimate' book.
    webjames, Aug 29, 2007 IP
  3. Lethal7

    Lethal7 Active Member

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    i have Flash CS3 for Dummies if interested PM me.
    Lethal7, Aug 29, 2007 IP
  4. Storm-Crow

    Storm-Crow Peon

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    I saw a couple of torrents at isohunt! Maybe you should check it out...
    Storm-Crow, Aug 30, 2007 IP