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Render emojis as they look on Apple devices - screenshots for social media

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Gavin Anthony Wilson, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. #1
    I want to use screenshots to repurpose text content into visual assets that I'll share on Facebook and Instagram. The idea is to scale the process as we have a lot of content and possibly automate it to save time. I need to render emojis exactly as they appear on iPhone and Mac. (The same goes for web fonts by the way.) If I sign up for another free trial and it turns out to be a waste of time I will start pulling my hair. Is there a screenshot api with decent rendering options?
    Gavin Anthony Wilson, Mar 18, 2024 IP
  2. Edna Welburg

    Edna Welburg Banned

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    Have you tried Urlbox? I used it a long time ago and it was by far the best screenshot api at the time. Emojis and web fonts were never a problem, not even on Apple devices. From what I see, now they also offer scheduling/integrations. Worth checking, in my opinion (linking it here). Hope this helps. One would think that it's easy now with so many tools. And okay, it is easier, but the demands are also becoming more and more specific so it can still be a struggle.
    Edna Welburg, Mar 18, 2024 IP
    Gavin Anthony Wilson likes this.
  3. Gavin Anthony Wilson

    Gavin Anthony Wilson Banned

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    From a glance, this could be it. Just wanted to quickly thank you, I haven't tried this one. Off I go to learn more about what it offers. Maybe I'll just contact the support to ask a couple of specific things.
    Gavin Anthony Wilson, Mar 18, 2024 IP
  4. Edna Welburg

    Edna Welburg Banned

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    Looks like your hair will stay intact :) Glad I could help! Contacting them is probably the best idea. Good luck!
    Edna Welburg, Mar 18, 2024 IP