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Replacing Wordpress Elementor plugin

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by VpsBit, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. #1
    I'm looking for ways to make my site faster and I noticed Elementor builder is very heavy on my database and site size. I would like to try another builder but don't want to loose the designs I've already made.
    Is there any way to replace elementor to another builder like oxygen or divi without loosing the designs? maybe a sort of plugin that could be converting the data to something the new builder would understand?
    VpsBit, Jun 5, 2023 IP
  2. Efetobor Agbontaen

    Efetobor Agbontaen Active Member

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    I really doubt you will see a Plugin that does something like that.
    For me, I simply redo the designs myself (As a new WordPress theme) if I need to design website and the loading speed is a primary concern.
    Efetobor Agbontaen, Jun 5, 2023 IP