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Request a Tutorial!

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by grimsqueaker, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. #1
    Hi all, I'm thinking of starting a photoshop tutorial site, and was just wondering what people were interested in by way of tutorials? What sort of tutorials would you like to see? What would you like to know how to make?

    grimsqueaker, Jul 10, 2007 IP
  2. yugolancer

    yugolancer Well-Known Member

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    Making Survey here is not the best idea i believe. Actually maybe you are right. Who would read your articles and tutorials but the designers themselves.
    Ok i think that making glossy bars, menus, footers, buttons and stuff are very popular these days. Well i am not reading them but rather i made a guess. maybe someone else will know better than me. However, Good luck with your site !

    Regards :)
    yugolancer, Jul 10, 2007 IP
    grimsqueaker likes this.
  3. grimsqueaker

    grimsqueaker Peon

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    aha, well I've noticed people come to the G and M section a lot asking for design help/tips, so I thought it might be a good place. What other forum section would you recommend? (I'm still newish here)

    Thanks for your input!
    grimsqueaker, Jul 10, 2007 IP
  4. ansi

    ansi Well-Known Member

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    i'd like to see something teaching you how to go about creating something like this


    some other guy was doing tutorials as well the other day but i don't think he took my request serious :) though i really wasn't but if he could do it i would have loved to find out how so in a way i guess i was. think you have the skill to do it?

    though this one is seemingly simple. color the banana blue and toss some water around it. but the idea is still what i am after but more realistic. this is just the best image i could find.
    ansi, Jul 10, 2007 IP
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  5. grimsqueaker

    grimsqueaker Peon

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    Ansi thanks for the idea! Photo-mashups is something you don't see on many tutorial sites, so I'll def. keep it in mind. :) Thanks!
    grimsqueaker, Jul 10, 2007 IP
  6. yugolancer

    yugolancer Well-Known Member

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    The idea is that you should make some reusable tutorials ... means tutorials that will help to bounch of people. Like buttons, banners and things related with web design or desktop printing. For example creating cool logos will be something that i will certainly be interested in ... the image above is certanly great but that's all you can say and do with that. Would you implement an image to your web site that was seen by 1000 people? lol

    Regards :)
    yugolancer, Jul 10, 2007 IP
  7. ansi

    ansi Well-Known Member

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    actually yeah, i probably might. depending on the client of course but it's a nice effect that isn't just limited to a banana. suppose you're doing a website for a flavored water bottling company or something. or even someone dealing with water. you could create and object out of water and actually use it in the website. just because that example wasn't used in a "web environment" does not mean that the effect cannot be used in it.
    ansi, Jul 10, 2007 IP
  8. grimsqueaker

    grimsqueaker Peon

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    The thing with buttons and things is that everyone and their grandmother has made them. I will certainly be making some button tutorials though because they are very popular and there's absolutely no harm in showing different ways of doing things. I love buttons anyway even if I think they tend to look ugly on websites (since they're rarely used 'right'!).

    And with ansi's suggestion, yes it would be limited in uses I think, but it would be great to have a variety of different tuts, don't you think? Some generic ones as well as some specific ones, to acheive a certain effect, I like the thought of that. :)

    Thanks again you two, any more? I'm going to start making a list.
    grimsqueaker, Jul 10, 2007 IP