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Reseller focussed CMS

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by sarahk, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. #1
    Don't know if this is the right place to post but ...

    I have a software package which we sell ourselves and through agents. We offer our site to our agents to use in full or in part.

    We have a set amount of content and the agents can choose to have our site handle that content or for the user to be directed back to their site: for contact forms, purchase etc.

    For one of our agents we "rebadge" the software and so the site reflects the alternate product name and shows alternate logos. They haven't been particularly committed to the reskinning process so it looks a bit iffy but here's an example


    this is based on the same scripts etc, but the template based system applies variables use a different stylesheet, build diff links etc.

    The Point

    This site needs an overhaul, there's alot of fragmented systems in the backend and they need to get integrated etc. I'd like to do this in the context of a property CMS with trouble tickets etc but I haven't been able to dig one out that focusses on the Affiliate or Agent. Our users don't want to control the skin, post news etc but our affiliates might.

    Can anyone recommend a system (pref LAMP, pref Open Source)?

    sarahk, Apr 7, 2004 IP
  2. compar

    compar Peon

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    I can't help you with your problem, but I thought I'd comment on the language. I'm always fascinated by the use of different terms depending on geographical location.

    In North America, Policemen and Boy Scouts wear badges. Packages have labels.

    So we would relabel or custom label or even rebrand. But we would never think to call it "rebadge".

    In NewZealand do Boy Scouts wear labels? :)
    compar, Apr 7, 2004 IP
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Thanks Compar, the language might be why Google fails to give me meaningful results.

    Down in good old NZ "rebadging" is very common. Happens to all the cheap electronics, PC's etc that get mass produced in China, Korea etc. They arrive with no branding and the stores "badge" them, quite literally.

    Looking at my own PC there's a small 1 inch square logo on the case that's added by the store - not by the factory. I think my Girl Guide (that's Girl Scout to you) badges were bigger :)

    And our policemen don't have badges, they have ID. They don't have guns either so I guess they really miss the dramatic handing over of the gun and badge when they've "done wrong".

    sarahk, Apr 7, 2004 IP
  4. compar

    compar Peon

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    And in North America we would put our own label or logo on them. We would never think of it as a badge.

    I'm a Canadian and in fact we have Girl Guides. It is only the USA that has Girl Scouts. But the US has always been mixed up. Look at who they have for a President.

    That what the North American policeman's badge is. It is his ID. How do your police wear or display their ID? Is it not on a badge that can be changed from uniform to uniform?
    compar, Apr 7, 2004 IP
  5. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    If they are in uniform then the uniform is enough although they do have a funny little button with a number on it on their lapels, if they are "plain clothes" then there is nothing visible. For both, their ID is kept in their pocket.

    Now, this is going seriously off-topic :) Any on-topic comments anyone?
    sarahk, Apr 7, 2004 IP
  6. greg

    greg Peon

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    I highly recomend Xaraya(www.xaraya.com) for anyone who wants to use CMS regardless of what your need is.

    It seems to be that you have a fairly specific need, Xaraya is by far the most flexible CMS around and after a little playing around with it you can get it to do basically anything you desire. It really is a quality program. Also opensource
    greg, May 15, 2004 IP
  7. Sten

    Sten Peon

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    Great regarding simplicity is: www.signumsoft.com/htmlnavigator. You could ship your html content files with a copy of Signumsoft HtmlNavigator to your agent. To find out if that's what you're looking for may be also see: www.signumsoft.com/htmlnavigator/faq
    Sten, Nov 9, 2004 IP
  8. sapphiro15

    sapphiro15 Peon

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    I just had a look at Xaraya and it really looks like a promising solution for a CMS. But what about the ticketing solution. You may need to use a seperate program for this altogether...
    sapphiro15, Nov 9, 2004 IP