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sat here bord and i though of a neat

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by samantha pia, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. #1
    sat here bord and i though of a neat idea, i wanna get backlinks so google likes me for more than just my ass. but how? then i was clicking on the ads ^^^up there Shawn and i got 2 404's. so guys are paying for ads that take you to the site, but what the ad was about shows a 404 when you click on the site for it, what a waste of clicks and bux huh? thats what i thought, so i'll have all the internets 404's linked to me, vola, i get 1,000,000's of backlinks and costs nothing and google gives my site #1 place.
    what do you think guys?
    ok sorry i said i was bord.
    sammie :rolleyes: still loves ya
    samantha pia, Feb 14, 2005 IP
  2. Homer

    Homer Spirit Walker

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    Seeing as though you are bored try writing some relevant articles and submitting them to sites like


    You can find out more about this here http://www.createonlinebusiness.com/affiliate_tip6.htm

    When you check link:www.yourdomain.com with G I see 18 backlinks mostly from the DP forum...you need more relevant bl's so you won't be so bored :)

    Articles work really well, especially if you can write 'juicy' stuff about 'juicy' subjects...many others will dowload your articles and put them on their relevant sites.
    Homer, Feb 14, 2005 IP
  3. samantha pia

    samantha pia Prominent Member

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    hi and thanx, but the problem is i write that stuff for my own site, and its kinda hard not to get side tracked :rolleyes: if ya know what i mean, its took me 4 days to get half the female mastur..... page re done because i keep getting side tracked by my needs. research is fun i like that part, but geezz now i am looking to pay someone to write it for me. i hate that bit.
    samantha pia, Feb 14, 2005 IP
  4. Homer

    Homer Spirit Walker

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    Samantha: Trust me on this. The next time you get bored reflect back on your forum. There is allot of quality content there that you have written. So content is not an issue. Once you have an article or 2 (make sure your articles point back to your site several time throughout) submit it here http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/ or maybe you will find a more suitable category.

    Out of all SEO tactics I use this one shows me quality bl's from relevant sites the fastest.

    Lotsa Luck

    Homer, Feb 15, 2005 IP