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seoclerks is %100 scam stay away everybody

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by elkhra, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. iSEOSolutions

    iSEOSolutions Peon

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    Hi JD19..Could I get a 10 dollar coupon please?
    iSEOSolutions, May 14, 2014 IP
  2. writer1972

    writer1972 Well-Known Member

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    I just want to add my 2 cents here...I have not, as of yet used SEOClerks, as a buyer or seller, nor do I know the owner. However, after reading every single post on here, all in all, it seems pretty simple to me. I have heard a lot of great things on this post about them as a freelancing site, other than most other freelancing sites, and their support. From what I can see on this thread, it's as simple as this:
    1. The person claiming to be scammed, also claimed that he wasn't informed on why his account got banned, and that support never replied back to him. That complaint can go right out the window! The owner not only got right on this thread, and told him why, and that he was warned on 4 separate occasions, but he also is giving away coupons to use on his site! If the owner were a scammer, i don't think he would even attempt to get on this thread, much less offer coupons to his site, or even tell people if they are getting scammed by a buyer / seller, he wants you to contact him right away! I think if people were getting scammed, I would be hearing a lot more negative, than positive things. Plus the guy claiming to be getting scammed showed no proof of anything...Not even a screenshot!
    2. There are way too many people on here claiming they have had nothing but great results from SEOclerks!
    3. There are also so many people on here stating that you just have to follow the rules to not get banned! (DUH! Common sense people!)
    4. There are a lot of people on here that do use SEOclerks, letting you know that you just have to investigate a buyer / seller's reputation rating. (Kind of another common sense thing!)
    (As a find work site owner, I was going to implement a freelancing part of my site, and still might, at a later time, but didn't want to end up like a lot of other sites where people are more than likely to get scammed. I did post a thread about getting advice for that, because I do care, and don't want my people getting scammed, but I do want to help people find work online. If I am thinking about promoting something, I do my research on it firstly. If I find it to be a scam, I warn people about it. I know that trying to help people find work without getting scammed, such as a freelancing site can be difficult, and implementing this technique on a freelancing site, is not only commendable, it shows that he does not want his members getting scammed, and that he does care! He even replied in one post that if a buyer or seller is scamming you, he wants you to let him know right away! If he were a scammer, I don't think he would much care about these things enough to post that, nor put a rating system on his site. )
    5. Too many people posting positive things about their earnings, customer support, and how low the payment threshold is to cash out!
    6. The owner gets right on this thread, and tells you if you have any problems to contact him, and is still offering coupons to use on his site!
    As I stated before, I am not a buyer, or seller as of yet, and I do NOT know the owner at all, but IMO I will be happy to promote SEOclerks to my subscribers, and on my site, once I get it up to par. (As I just started rebuilding it again)... I might even start doing some work on there now, in my spare time.
    Also, if I do have ANY Complaints, I will contact the owner, or support, and if I happen to get scammed by the site itself, by some chance, I will retract my statements here. However, I really wouldn't waste my time if I heard too many bad things, in which case, seems to be the complete opposite on this thread!
    In conclusion...From what I have read on this thread, I think it's very commendable that the owner got on this thread, and told us why the guy claiming to be scammed was banned from the site, and that he was warned 4 separate times! The complainer did not argue this, and just kept calling the owner names. This tells me that the complainer of this thread probably did, in fact, break the rules!
    Like I stated before, I do not know the owner, but I think what he is doing is deserves a little credit here! Too many people are posting too many positive things about SEOClerks, if it were the opposite, I wouldn't even give my opinion on this thread. I would just know to stay away.
    All in all, my perspective on this, It's almost as if saying eBay is a big fat scam, when you have to look at the buyer / sellers reputation, and then make your call if you want to do business with that person, or not. How badly do you want that item, or in this case, that job? Even if the sellers reputation sucks? Just use your brain! If someone has a bad rep...Stay away from that person! Even if you do sign up for a job, and don't get paid because the buyer is a scammer, the owner states right on this thread to contact him, because they will get banned! Also, if you're a seller, contact the owner, and you get a refund! Really? I think that is awesome!
    I am just being shown a lot how much the owner does seem to care about both the buyer and the seller, and is trying to resolve all aspects of any problems that arise with his business!
    Like on ANY Freelancing site, you have to do your homework! It's not as if SEOclerks know every single person on their site, and if they are out to scam you or not, but the owner states that if it is a scammer, they do, in fact, get banned!
    Keep up the good work SEOclerks, and I will happily promote you in a positive manner! :)
    writer1972, May 19, 2014 IP
  3. iSEOSolutions

    iSEOSolutions Peon

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    Thanks JD19 for the $10 balance coupon..
    iSEOSolutions, May 19, 2014 IP
  4. myexpartner

    myexpartner Peon

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    never heard of this is it good?
    myexpartner, May 19, 2014 IP
  5. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    I don't have a strong opinion about SEOClerks as a selling platform. While I don't choose to sell there, I'm happy they exist. It's great for freelancers to have choices. With that said, I always read the glowing reviews with a grain of salt. I don't know which are non-biased or paid reviews. They've had contests for promoting in forum threads - it's $3 for a post with a link and $1.50 for a post without a link.

    Rebecca, May 19, 2014 IP
  6. writer1972

    writer1972 Well-Known Member

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    I did not know that they do that. Thank you though, for informing me on this. It is definitely something for me to take into consideration when doing my research on sites that I provide to my subscribers. However, I gave many more reasons as to why I don't think it's a scam, and the biggest ones are that the owner getting on this thread, and trying to make things right, telling the person who posted this thread in the first place why he got banned, and giving away free coupons for his site, just to name a few. I did not know about the contest thing though, and that they paid for reviews. Does this mean since I gave them a good one, I am gonna get paid? That would be nice, but don't I have to sign up somewhere to enter that contest, or how exactly do I get paid for that? I could do that all day! LOL...And only because I think that the site owner is doing his do-diligence in trying to make things right in every aspect of his business. I posted just out of my own concern as a find work online site owner, because I can relate to what the site owner may be experiencing. IMO, even if I don't get paid for writing that review, or this one, stays the same, if you read all that I wrote in my above post....As I stated before, I am not a buyer or seller, nor do I know the owner. I am just rebuilding my site, and want to be able to offer this site as an option to my subscribers because I really haven't heard anything bad without seeing the site owner trying to come to bat and do everything he can to resolve issues for people. I think that is very commendable, and I don't see that very much at all when someone complains about a site. Most sites that are scams, usually run and hide, and don't care enough about their people, to even reply to a thread like this, much less give explanations. Also tells everyone if they are having an issue that he wants to know about it, so if someone is getting scammed, they will be banned, and giving away free coupons on top of it. Most sites that are, in fact scams, only care about their bottom line, and not enough about the people participating. Again, just my 2 cents ;-)
    writer1972, May 20, 2014 IP
  7. writer1972

    writer1972 Well-Known Member

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    writer1972, May 20, 2014 IP
  8. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    That's why I said, "They've had..." (The link provided showed the third contest). It just shows there are some paid forum reviews going on, which is why I take the positive reviews with a grain of salt. Usually, in a forum thread, the expectation is an unbiased review. Certainly not one in which the poster is getting reimbursed for making the comment. They own other websites, and I just found a promotion on CommunityClerks.com asking to promote SEOClerks on forums. It's just something to be aware of. With that said, I would encourage anyone that is so inclined to try them out, first-hand experience is the best way to judge how it will work for the services you're offering.

    Rebecca, May 20, 2014 IP
    matt_62 likes this.
  9. Premium_Domain_sales

    Premium_Domain_sales Active Member

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    I don't think so. i'm using this website for morethan 6 months and no problem so far.
    Premium_Domain_sales, May 20, 2014 IP
    writer1972 likes this.

    IFTISEO Member

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    I have been a member of SEOCLERKS from the past 2 years and my account is still active with some 100 bucks or so.. They are not cheaters.

    You might have been selling copyrighted materials or bots etc etc..

    Join Seoclerks under me and get 5$ Free. Here is the link to do so http://www.iftiseo.com/2014/05/giveaway-6-free-seoclerks-5-coupons-for.html
    IFTISEO, May 25, 2014 IP
  11. david tsilosani

    david tsilosani Active Member

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    seocklerk is not scam i am using it over 2 year !!!!!!!
    david tsilosani, Jun 19, 2014 IP
  12. trader81

    trader81 Peon

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    In my opinion seoclerks is a scam as well. As many of you maybe do not know: You can buy any positive reviews, forum messages and similar staff on fiverr for instance. Therefore all of the above messages might be bought by seoclerk scammers. Also my review here could be artificial but I do not know who should do that. Why should the guy who started this thread take so much effort to write his review? Believe it or not, this is my unbelievable experience with seoclerk scammers out of the view of a customer not a provider:

    I have bough several services for Geman traffic to my website.
    First Service: 1,000 German visitors for 2$.

    I got a short link which was used for the clicks and the link to the statistics of the clicks. According to the anaylytics of the short link an to my google analytics account there were clicks from different IP addresses in Germany. At firs I was happy but after I have analyzed my analytics I saw the following result: More than 600 visitors, approx. 4,500 page views. All page views were for the main site only! I could clearly divide my own traffic from the payed "traffic" since I do have 50 visitors per day only. There were not even one page view for another site, banner or anything else! That means that there is a robot producing this traffic with the task to reload the browser for a very small bounce rate! Oh this is what I forgot! Did you ever see a website with a bounce rate of 6%? That is not possible! Ok maybe facebook can reach that but I do not know. My next question was how do they do that from different IP's? Then I remembered a DDOS attack on my website last February after a similar review about a scam topic like that! The guys were and are still scamming people for millions of dollars. (Later after I took the article from my website someone else posted it in a blog: http://projekt95pro-p95pro-erfahrungen.blogspot.de/2014/03/projekt95pro-p95pro-betrug-ja.html). But that is a nother topic. I read much about DDOS attacks and how they can be done: One options: Hackers use a malware which is installed on many private PC's. This malware in this case opens a website for instance. If that is done by thousands of infected computers a server is not able to withstand this huge traffic since it is overloaded. This is a DDOS attack with the aim to bring a server out of working. In the case of the guys from seoclerks it seems to be the same principle but with much less trafic. 1,000 per day for instance.
    Why do I say that seoclerks is the scammer and not the provider? It's simple: During the whole process I have started to ask the provider about the „unusual“ analytic results throuth the comments system. Meaning they all were visible for every one. After three comments and my plea at the end to stop this service and abpout 30 minutes all comments disappeared! There was no comment left! A user can not delte comments by himself. One good thing was that the guy has really stopped the service and finally I got my 2$ back on my seoclerks account but I do not know how to get it back on my paypal since I do not want to buy any other service at the seoclerk scammers.

    Second service that I have bought:
    10,000 German visitors for 20$.

    This story is not less worth to be told. This time I have payed 20$ for traffic. I got a message afterwards that the order will be completed August 15. View days later I got the message: Order completed! I looked in my analytics account: No change. My standard 50 visitor per day since the service was ordered. But I got a short code which lead to my website and the link to the analytics of it. The analytics showed that there were 12,000 clicks on July 1st! But I have ordered this service July 18th?! How do they do that? I still do not know but if someone of you knows how to do that please let me know. I will try to get my money back in this case as well. I am still in process.

    Do you know how to give a negative rating thumb down at seoclerks? I do not have this possibility. Maybe the switch off this function when there is a high probabilty of a bad rating.

    Did you see that many providers do not have even one negative rating? How many even very good and popular sellers on ebay do not have negative ratings? Just compare and build you own opinion about seoclerks.

    Don't trust seoclerk scam!
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    trader81, Jul 28, 2014 IP
  13. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    Just keep in mind that I too dislike seoclerks. My experience is they are all scammers. The person I hired made it clear they would do their best to ruin your site if you left negative feedback, hence, noone that buys the service will speak the truth.
    I know there is software that does generate fake hits, but this should not show up in GA at all.

    I am not really sure how they do it,(and most likely some will have different methods, no doubt someone will argue with me that they are the ones that provide a valuable service, but I dont give a crap), sometimes you see those crappy pop-ups that have websites on them. Many times, *this* is the traffic that people pay for. Real users close these down as quick as they can -> have you ever visited other pages of a website that popped up and annoyed the living F*** out of you? If you answered YES then your probly a retard.

    One guy on DP was setting up a pop up / pop under, that loaded 50websites on a single page in different iframes. This means it would be impossible for the visitor to actually navigate any part of your site, nor would they want to. His intent behind setting this up was for selling traffic, so that a single user / ip would "hit" 50 different websites at a time.

    You might be right about the entire DDOS thing, but you have to understand. If you want real visitors, you need to pay for advertising. A real visitor is one who goes, hmm, I am interested in finding out more information on their products or services, and I would like to visit their website. At 20 cents per click, getting 1000 visitors might cost you $200 -> but these are REAL visitors.

    The $2 per 1000 views is a scam, FOR scammers. The majority of people that use this are those that are selling websites. I have fallen for this trap as well, you see what looks like healthy stats for xx months, and as soon as you pay for it, BOOM, the site is dead, because it was all fake traffic.
    See if you are selling a website, spending $200, might give you 1000 real visitors in a month, but spending $60 might give you 1000 visitors daily (30k in a month) and can turn a site worth nothing into a site that can sell for $100-$200 with most buyers too stupid to understand the real value.

    Many times I have dealt with these people (and so called SEO experts) and they guarantee and promise that you WILL Make money with buying fake traffic. But if you offer to put their ad code on your site, and let them do the traffic for your site for free, they refuse. WHY? because its a scam.
    matt_62, Jul 28, 2014 IP
    qwikad.com likes this.
  14. Surajit Roy

    Surajit Roy Member

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    Seoclerks is a Source where you can get all types of worker. You have to choose perfect people. You can get their review and also choose the real worker. In seoclerks i see several profile with 100% unique and positive review. You just choose the old profiler. They will really help you 100% work.
    Surajit Roy, Jul 28, 2014 IP
  15. etc

    etc Well-Known Member

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    seoclerks play like escrow for the transactions. This is legit and have been involved since 2011.
    etc, Jul 29, 2014 IP
  16. trader81

    trader81 Peon

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    Both profiles which I chose had a 100% positive rating! And that is one of tha scam points which I have described. I am sure that there are aslo good and reliable people. I also had a linking service which worked well. But in the actual case all bad comments were deleted and that is for me the biggest scam telling me that this seller was one of the seoclerk guys.
    trader81, Jul 29, 2014 IP
  17. humtuma

    humtuma Notable Member

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    I have open the support ticket there and i got infraction. Thats great :)
    humtuma, Sep 4, 2014 IP
  18. Avish Gabba

    Avish Gabba Member

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    Its not a scam, i use it from last 1 year.
    Avish Gabba, Sep 6, 2014 IP
  19. 5tonned

    5tonned Greenhorn

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    Can't stop laughing after reading all the messages! lol :D
    5tonned, Sep 9, 2014 IP
  20. bertakachris

    bertakachris Greenhorn

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    Just came across this post and would like to say that in just under 3 years i have hit $90,000 in sales through SEO Clerks. So i can safely say that it is certainly not a scam.
    bertakachris, Oct 16, 2014 IP
    kashifmahmood likes this.