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Sharing Shopping Cart Db across multiple sites.

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by Whackahost.com, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. #1
    Does any one know of any ecommerce software that can use the same inventory database for multiple url's and websites?
    Buddy of mine has about 10 sites with all the same products all using different shopping carts. So if he gets a new product he has to edit each site. Giant pain!!
    Anyone have any solutions for this?

    Whackahost.com, Mar 29, 2008 IP
  2. AON21

    AON21 Active Member

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    I can't remember the name of the script, but it's designed for a wholesale/resale situation. When stock comes in it appears in the wholesaler's database and then automatically in the dbs of the resellers. He could set up one site as the main one and then the other sites as 'resellers'.

    Been a few years, but I will look through my inbox history for you
    AON21, Mar 29, 2008 IP
  3. Whackahost.com

    Whackahost.com Member

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    ANyone else have any solutions? Thanks
    Whackahost.com, Mar 31, 2008 IP