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Site CSS different from page's CSS - can't do bulleted lists

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by packaging-guy, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. #1
    I am adding content to a CMS with a style.css already defined by the web design company. This stylesheet already uses ol,ul{list-style:none;} in order to make lists for menu items. I tried changing it for lists in body text, but then all our side menus had bullets which disrupted the page flow. I tried adding this:

    <style type="text/css">
    ul {
        list-style-type: inherit;
        list-style-image: inherit;
        list-style-position: inside;
    ol {
        list-style-type: decimal;
        list-style-position: inside;
    ol ol {
        list-style-type: upper-alpha;
    ol ol { font-style: normal; }</style>
    Code (markup):
    to the source of individual pages, but the same problem happens, the menus look wrong. How can I preserve the look of menus with the list-style:none and yet still use bulleted lists in body text? Hopefully without doing any major site surgery - the whole thing is in Chinese so it's 10x more difficult than usual.
    packaging-guy, Nov 22, 2012 IP
  2. riteshsanap

    riteshsanap Well-Known Member

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    Well add this code for specific CSS class like for page menu the class will .page-menu so code will be like this :
    <style type="text/css">
    .post-menu ul {
        list-style-type: inherit;
        list-style-image: inherit;
        list-style-position: inside;
    .post-menu ol {
        list-style-type: decimal;
        list-style-position: inside;
    .post-menu ol ol {
        list-style-type: upper-alpha;
    .post-menu ol ol { font-style: normal; }</style>
    Code (markup):
    According to me this will solve your problem, if it doesn't specify the page link, will solve it for you then
    riteshsanap, Nov 22, 2012 IP
  3. Zach Swinehart

    Zach Swinehart Peon

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    Do you have a link to your site so I can take a look and tell you specifically?
    Zach Swinehart, Nov 27, 2012 IP
  4. packaging-guy

    packaging-guy Peon

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    Eh, I figured it out. I had to spend an entire day reading CSS tutorials, though. Thanks anyway.
    packaging-guy, Nov 27, 2012 IP