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Skilljam clone: expert HELP NEEDED!

Discussion in 'General Business' started by www.e-booked.com, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. #1

    I need to deploy a great looking skilljam-type site very quickly (within the next month). I have pretty limited budget. If you're not familiar with skilljam, basically you play skill games for cash rewards. Take a look


    I need some flash game content - fast! I contacted Miniclip yesterday to see if they'll let my programmers integrate their games, no response yet. If anyone knows where I can get flash games (preferably free), let me know. Skilljam, Popcap and MSN all use the same games, so they're obviously coming from a single source. I want to differentiate the site from Skilljam, so I don't want the exact same game designs. If you have a flash games site with unique games (not taken from miniclip) and you think it could be easily adapted, let me know. Obviously I can pay for this!

    I also need advice on payment. Skilljam integrates nicely - which processor do they use? I don't think Paypal will be that great for new users - there must be something better...

    Any advice on this project would be great. Many thanks!

    www.e-booked.com, Mar 1, 2005 IP
  2. Corey Bryant

    Corey Bryant Texan at Heart

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    Have you check out http://www.flashkit.com/index.shtml - you might be able to find some flash games there
    Corey Bryant, Mar 1, 2005 IP