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slightly younger audience failed to realize a 10 page website isnt myspace or replace

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by surf4fun, Sep 25, 2008.

  1. #1
    Slightly younger audience failed to realize a 10 page or 50 post blog or website isn’t myspace or cannot replace your day job.

    Since DP is targated to YOUNG people (who have enough time to choose a career/make decision for their life)

    I plan to bring some dark truth about this whole Internet Industry (a bit scam and mixture of hyip industry where every body is a millionaire from their bedroom).


    Since I was greatly criticized long time ago for my negative attitude and opposing people who come and post $$$$$$ screenshots and try to call more people in this dead and scam industry. But since then I have noticed Lot of dp members have become smarter and now can judge who is scamming/false marketing/attracting and who is giving real information.

    Ok. Lets start Google is worth Billion dollar. Good. PPC and affiliate marketing can earn thousands of dollars with little or no work at all. Shoe money Johnchow Rich jerk etc made millions of dollar and continues making it. Very good. Nice pictures.

    Internet is evolving day by day. More and More people coming to computers>Looking for stuff dating sex fun ebay stuff amazon books and what not. If they can find it online easily who waists time offline?? Students teachers doctors engineers army’s almost all classes are coming to internet to seek information.

    Link Building Article Marketing Seo Directory submission Forum posting blog commenting etc can earn you thousands of dollars. And lead to millions.


    So you sit on your sofa and dreaming to become Shoe money? And think Google is taking your Life’s responsibility and giving you an amazing career? That the doctor pilot engineer lawyer minister and importer exporter even don’t have?

    Here you have to re-think friends. or what would i say So called Young entrepreneur.

    First of all you are not employed any where. Noop no where

    Digital point isn’t giving you any employment or salary.
    Adsense or any other affiliate programs/managers etc(cj amazon copeac) isn’t giving you any job or salary or fixed income etc

    Simply it’s not a job. No one is ready to pay for your time.
    They will say Pay per sale Pay per lead Pay per click Pay per impression etc etc.
    Means Its not a secured job. Not even a temporary job.

    To give you idea. A system analyst in USA gets 55k USD a year. and he ranks higher and higher and higher and gets to a position where his job is secured. He will get All the facilities like health insurance Car Loan House in mortgage and After old age some pension money etc etc and can travel around the world.

    A waiter in uk gets 1200 Pound just to start. And can rank higher and higher and higher. even become manager of Hotel or restaurant.

    Same goes for ARMY NAVY DOCTOR ENGINEER PILOT A High official Govt employee etc etc.

    So the first thing is nobody is providing you any secured job. Actually there is no work needed in internet marketing. And you are not hired by any business or google or any one. No one here even bothers for you. You die or live they don’t care about it. Most of the time you have heard about people getting ban etc. Actually its their profit if they can pay you less and get more from your traffic. Think like this. When advertisers are advertising on adbrite, adbrite are getting instant money. But when it comes to payout they will ask you to wait net 30 net 60 days.

    Now what is a job really. Say you submit daily to 1000 directories and charge dp members $30! Its a job? Its secured? You can make a living like that? Or say you write articles $3 per 500 word. Noop its freelancing. It can be a part time or extra money maker. But it cannot be something that is called living. Why? emm for now lets think like this. Nobody has officially appointed you and you are employed no where. And there is no fixed monthly income and no guarantee of orders plus risk of DP BAN.


    Now lets think of a DOCTOR

    He passes 10+2 he takes Medical degree 4 years. he specialize in some area and takes special training abroad say 3 more years.

    Now He joins Hospitals. Hospitals have invested Millions of dollars. And have big selection team. They will serve people who are in risk of health. Doctor passes test and gets appointment. He she has to attend the hospital every day and do his duty get a fixed salary and rank high and high and high. Why people are paying money to this doctor. He is certified qualified and have taken special training to serve people.

    Now This doctor when gain reputation can open his her own chamber and serve people with medicine advice.

    Now think of a Pilot. again he passes 10+2 He gets a bachelor in science He joins training to drive a plane. He passes. He goes to Airports Govt and Private. Again billions and trillions dollar invested there. Strong team of judges test exams. The Pilot qualifies. He gets salary for his service and time and ranks higher and higher and higher. Why people paying He is qualified trained passed and serving people with his ability.

    Now an ordinary MBA. 10+2 + graduation + MBA Major in marketing. He finds a multi national company. The company is Toshiba. It manufactures Billion dollar worth electronics items. Again there is big selection team interview and all that tests. he passes. He gets a position of ordinary sales man. People come to his branch of Toshiba and he shows and do marketing of different products items. Company pays him fixed salary for his time. Out line his job(what he has to do to get paid) Also give bonus and commission on sales. And he can rank higher and higher and become senior manager or Director Marketing.

    Good. So those are the examples of career and job. in USA the lowest job in MacDonald is $10 per hour.

    So now it is clear Affiliate Marketing isnt A job. No one is appointing you and there is no special training or special qualification required to be an affiliate marketer. Actually no one is paying for your time. You can build 1000 links. And see no sales. :eek: Or some sales here and there. Just calculate how much time you waste and how you are wasting your human power in something that is actually nothing but words text images videos and sound. In short multimedia presentation only that a 6 years child can build set and go. And for which no one even given you any job or appointed.

    Next we will discuss why affiliate marketing isn’t a business model. And how shoemoney johnchow richjerk etc only jerks your career and how you achive nothing other then some money and false promises with affiliate marketing and waist your career.

    I know it will hurt many. But In the Last I will say some positive words about affiliate marketing make money from home and day job quitters. :D
    surf4fun, Sep 25, 2008 IP
  2. surf4fun

    surf4fun Peon

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    ok hmm..

    So Business? Its good business right? Zero to Hero right? I sold 100 PR links and made 1k. I made an ebook and made 2k. I flipped 10 sites and made 5k. I run a forum and make $500 month. I run a website that is my living. I did a script and made 8k. My ppc campaigns earns me $100 a day from adword and cpa. I have some blackhat technics it generate me lots of dollars. I spam. I do bum marketing.

    Great? GOOD BUSINESS? You are rich? you are an entrepreneur


    Wrong idea friends

    First of All. No Bank on earth Finance this business model


    Think of this.

    What you have? A white page blog or site that is just HTML CODES JAVA SCRIPT FLASH AND PHP MYSQL?

    Your affiliate managers gave you what to sell? Banners stickers and ref codes? Thats all??

    Sorry Banks cannot financially back your project up.

    Banks will finance projects that are feasible.

    For example A Machinery based Industry which produces goods or products automatically or with labor. Or more like a Agricultural Firm which produces fruits potatoes rice etc. Or Pharma industry which produces again life saving drugs that serves the country. Or an importer or exporter who dealing with important goods or product that fulfils large amount of demand of a country. Say a Steal Importer. Or a real estate project.

    Means Banks are interested in continous business model and product service oriented business that serve masses. They also think closely about turnover business plan investment needed colleteral and all that. Product market price and all that.

    Some banks give loan for SME(small medium Enterprise) like general store Medicine store and all that provided that you are running your business for 3 years successfully and continously making avarage monthly income.

    Now This web business.

    What is in web that you can sell for a fixed market value??

    Like when you check Potatoe price in your shop. It has a value. It jumps up down but it cannot be zero or move price drastically unless something happens.

    Every day billions of websites/blogs are made. Trillions of links are made. Can you put a fixed value? Where to sell them? Dp and Sitepoint?? Sedo for domains Thats it?? That is what you was saying billion dollar industry?

    Ok so. The problem here you see.

    You are selling actually information(mainly). Most money is made by ebooks or affiliate programs such as dating credit card ebay affiliate etc etc.

    Can you produce 10000 eboooks with a machine and sell all of them rapidly. Like a factory produces tomatoe sauce and sell to millions of consumers?

    You cant. There is no gurantee if your ebook even will make $100 business.

    So this is a very very i repeat very very shady and poor business model.

    You are actually creating fake demand. You are trying to mint money. And some are trying to scam. and some spam. And some lie. And some make Blackhat technics to fool job seeking websites craiglist and so on.

    All this shady and tricky technics will last how many days? Is this constantly making you money? Other then money what you have. What about social respect. Where is your business in yellow pages. What is your product service? Are you just brain storming every night to tweak your blog or ppc campaign.

    This isnt a living. You are actually gambling. You are as good as a stock investor or betting player or casino player.

    Yes you can make lot of money with this shady technics and PPC and seo etc. And research shows only 5% makes it. And 95% fails. And think again of your career. I had 300 people in my yahoo. Most are dead. Why they leaving online business if its so good?

    Because they know they dont have a product service in their hands. All they have is banner sticker and false promisses. ANd surviving like this is only a gambler or better can do.

    Now come to shoemoney etc. And why not take example of Myspace DIgg etc. The simple answer is. Who ever shoe money is. He isnt going to give you even 10 visitors a day. He only show his check and earning and lifestyle so that he can attact and make money out of you. No guru is writing anything to make you any money. They writing that so that they can make money out of you fools or wanna be richjerks. They just jerking your time and you putting another dead ebook in your re-cycle bin And thinking this time I will achive this or that and that.. And time goes on and your traffic dries and blogs dead and your years of young age gone. So much risk and achived what? may be some adsense dollar or affiliate commission.

    And myspace ? Digg? Google? Go to their company office. And just see How much they investing in employee advertising(offline online) office cost and all that. When will you understand a 5 page website or 50 post blog isnt myspace or youtube or digg. Yes you can draw a concept in paper hire a coder build some links. But that isnt myspace or digg. Google purchased youtube for billions of dollar (from some wannabe entrepreneur like you who failed to market it). Got the point they did everything. But couldnt make the site get visitors. And spamming youtube or digg or myspace isnt going to make you any millionare or billionare. It will only make a spammer a cyber criminal and punishment is jail.

    So this sums it up

    Most affiliate marketers are cyber criminals

    Because there is no instruction of getting traffic or how to generate traffic etc. And traffic isnt free (try adword and see). Most people tend to generate traffic with spam or other blackhat technics. End up their career as spammer or blackhat cyber criminal. I am sure you young out there dont want to be recognized as such.

    So in short. There is no such respect or good thing as affiliate marketer.

    Infact shoe money might be one Big rich person. Who was rich from start. May be his father had lot of property and assets. And shoemoney had no botheration of life or job or career. May be he sold one of the weakest property for half million dollar and invested that in PPC and made big money out of gamble? May be All you people saw he makes big money and visited all his sites. So he made more big money? May be following him and staying at home can take you no where and you will end up as internet visitor then a webmaster?

    Do you personally know shoe money? May be he have terrorist funds?

    So still sitting at home? Thinking I want to be shoe money? And fu**k some girls and show others see my car see my house see my adsense see my cj see my t-shirt?

    Ok. But tell you what. its not easy to be creative and make virtual products and services and sustain with that.

    How many software companies could reach Microsoft? Could Linux do it?
    How many sites are like google?
    How many shoe money you saw?

    So in short this isnt a business model to depend your life on. It can make money. Well.. Thats the only good thing about it. Other then that its the worst of the worst business model ever invented to scam and spam peoples rather then serving them.
    surf4fun, Sep 25, 2008 IP
  3. datingloot

    datingloot Peon

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    Overall, I strongly disagree with you. Myself and tons of other people have made a living off affiliate marketing for YEARS. And we would never give it up for any kind of a 9-5 job even if it paid $5mil/ year. Why? It gives us freedom - real freedom, in terms of our time and living our lives as we wish.

    "PPC and affiliate marketing can earn thousands of dollars with little or no work at all." This is where your problem lies. Who says it can be done with little or no work? Anyone who says that is either a fool or a liar. It takes a ton of work. Tons of failure and persistance and so on. But if you're successful you can make $1000 or more a day. I've done it and so have MANY others. I KNOW of at least 50 guys doing it every day. Yes, $1000/day PROFIT or more. You don't have to believe me. I won't post screenshots. I don't need to convince anyone.

    But that said, everything I said above is biased because I've been a successful affiliate for a long time and now I run a CPA network focused on dating.
    datingloot, Sep 25, 2008 IP
  4. tinner666

    tinner666 Peon

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    Good post. Grammar a bit off, but the point was made. Reckon anybody will listen?
    tinner666, Sep 25, 2008 IP
  5. surf4fun

    surf4fun Peon

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    now the positive site.. like i said. every positive has a negetive and every negetive has a positive side.

    If you want to be a soccer player now can you be?
    If you want to be a pilot now can you be?
    If you want to be a Doctor now can you be?
    If you want to be a Celebrity now can you be?
    If you want to be a engineer now can you be?

    Noop i hope its too late for every one out here.

    But if you want to be Affiliate marketer at any point of your time in life? Can you be?
    Yes the door is opened forever.
    and its not only online. From centuries make a sale and get commission or refer more ppl and earn more is going on. Just Go to a business (a insurance company or real estate) and say i have clients i can refer. but i want ref commission on sales. ANd they will agree. Say i can refer more marketers like me. But you have to pay commission from their earnings. and they will agree..


    Now I will end up with positive note.

    Say you have made 50K USD from 4 years affiliate marketing.

    Can you be a real business man and start your own real feasible bank financed business.

    Say a SME or Something production oriented something continous. Something secured.

    Yes You can. You have the money.

    So affiliate marketing is only a step towards your GOAL.

    If you dont have money or want to increase your capital do it.

    If you have lot of free time do it

    But dont just sit on sofa or bed and think you have achived it all.

    Invest in real business invest in property invest in bank and financial organization.

    Keep your future safe and bright. Marry a girl and feed your children on time.

    At some part of life say good bye to adsense and cj etc. Say your kids. When i was young. I spoiled my head brainstorming and researching. But you guys please go to proper line proper education and proper career. I dont want you to be rich jerks and jerk off every one.
    surf4fun, Sep 25, 2008 IP
  6. MelogKnaj

    MelogKnaj Guest

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    I agree on some points, but frankly not everyone is set out to do there 40 years in some dead job just to barely scrape by. Most people will fail at internet marketing and return to that dead on job having wasted a fair amount of time and money. That experience will still be valuable to them in the future even if they do fail. Also less wall of text/better grammar would make your post much more enjoyable.
    MelogKnaj, Sep 25, 2008 IP
  7. divingmaldives

    divingmaldives Peon

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    Everybody can make money online!But like every other job/income it is not easy. Everybody think like this: I make my own blog and make 10000$ a day on ads, from day one.

    NO YOU DON'T! Nobody do that. You have to put a lot of hours and hard work into your blog/site or whatever you wanna make $$$ on.

    There money to make on the net, but you have to work hard to get some of them....
    divingmaldives, Sep 26, 2008 IP
  8. SpeakToMe

    SpeakToMe Peon

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    Well, one very sobering fact from industry statistics: Keyword search generates 42% of all advertising revenues. And what percentage of total inventory is keyword search? Somewhere between 1% and 5%. I think its 1%, personally.

    Yahoo says that they get $40 CPM on their search page views. If search page views are 1% of inventory, that means that the entire rest of the internet averages $0.55 CPM.

    So forget about making the money off of ad sales. Its got to be ecommerce -- you have to sell something.
    SpeakToMe, Sep 26, 2008 IP
  9. Voltege

    Voltege Peon

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    Hi there Mr.Surf4fun,

    My first experiance from making money was this
    one guy puts up ad on local newspaper- work part

    time data entry job for internantion co. and earn
    6000/month. when i visited him, he says
    first you need to buy a CD from him and leanr from
    it the technique of data processing and then he'd
    allocate me some work offered to him by some big
    company. and its not more than 2 hours / day's work


    i myself came to this affilate stuff few weeks
    ago, reading advertizment in a newspaper
    earn from home, make 40000 a month and all that.

    and I started day dreaming I could make lot$$
    in short time without putting much effort

    Since last 2 weeks I've done nothing but
    just search around on how to make money online
    click ads/fill forms and finally to this dp - write blogs
    and stuff.

    But after reading your eye opener articles,
    I do realize that I've a lot better life offline,
    and do some job offline- and use internet
    for fun- read stuff, send mails to friends,
    surf porn etc. and leave the online $$ making to

    others people.

    you're right its not that easy
    and it can't be that easy. not even as a side income.
    its really hazardous to the eyes,back and over all
    mind and body.

    the only good and easy way to earn online money
    i seeis selling stuff on ebay etc.

    getting cpm,cpt,ctd,cdt lol and all that is just waste
    of time.
    you can make more money by doing offline

    marketing than by the online marketing.

    google adsense account is not very bright


    I want to thank you for your eye opener articles,
    and keep posting them- cause lot young people,
    middle aged people and housewives out there
    think "they can make lot money by doing 2 hours

    work everyday."

    @others who make (or claim to make) living from
    this online business
    I'm not denying that fact that you can make money
    but its equally/even more stressful to mind and body
    than a regular offline business/job.
    Voltege, Sep 28, 2008 IP
  10. teruchan

    teruchan Peon

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    I honestly thought your post was a joke or being sarcastic. I have little interest in PPC and affiliate marketing. My interest in marketing is to learn how to sell my own products and services. It seems to be getting harder everyday, especially in the multimedia world where so much content is given away free.

    I agree that "you gotta sell something". My first online business was selling an original animated film I made on DVD." I think part of the success of that was having a real physical product to sell and ship rather than doing downloads. Now I prefer downloads, both as a viewer and as a content creator. Downloads, though, are a hard sell. Even some of the more successful creators out there give their media content away free and make money, sometimes huge money, selling related physical products like T-shirts, toys, DVDs etc. Maybe that's the way to go. Maybe it isn't.

    I still think it beats a 9-5 any day of the week, even if I made 10 times more money in that 9-5.
    teruchan, Sep 28, 2008 IP
  11. Raffimax

    Raffimax Peon

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    surf4fun for God's sake what's your problem ?!

    I think you have a real bad story behind your attack towards affiliate marketing, share your real stoy with us pleeeeeeeeease ... :)


    tell us the truth...who are you exactly & what's your story...
    Raffimax, Sep 28, 2008 IP
  12. Win Z

    Win Z Active Member

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    Well, surf4fun, if Larry Page & Sergery Brin had thought like you, today we wouldn't have had a Google....no youtube...no facebook...no wikipedia also perhaps.

    People get into Online businesses for many reasons. It's not just coz' they CANT do anything else like become a Doctor or an Engineer. Well...it's just that we all hate the 9-5 shit...the boring..routine, 'doing-same-thing-daily-for-others' crap. Why work like a BULL and make others rich when you can work half that time (maybe even double) on your own stuff and make yourselves rich?

    Having a job and working for some1else might sound like an excellent plan for cynics like yourself (no offense intended here), but most feel otherwise.

    Also...it finally comes down to a matter of individual perspective. You see it in one way...we all see it in an other way. lol

    Just my 0.02$
    Win Z, Sep 28, 2008 IP
  13. danimal62

    danimal62 Well-Known Member

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    "Invest in a bank or finical institution"

    Are you kidding me? There has never been a time in my life that this is worse advice. More financial institutions and banks folded last week than in the past 10 years combined! If you like loosing money, invest it in a bank or financial institution!
    danimal62, Sep 28, 2008 IP
  14. Bohol

    Bohol Peon

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    Surf4fun, your article is enlightening. On the other hand, let me point out that in doing business offline, 90% of those who started their own business had also failed.

    Affiliate Marketing is not for everyone. But some of us have chosen the path. The path can be a less traveled one. Now it's up to us whether we should stay on that path after many failures.
    Bohol, Oct 6, 2008 IP
  15. sitey

    sitey Active Member

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    Some of the things you said here are true... but why do you think everyone is seeking for a secure life? It something people can enjoy, unlike McDonalds workers who might earn more money than "home-workers" who have yet failed to find their magic niche. But why turning off people? internet marketing is getting more and more developed and INTERESTING, and it's a great world where anyone of any age work at.
    sitey, Oct 6, 2008 IP
  16. primeelite

    primeelite Peon

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    There are plenty of people who make a good part time wage online and there are even a good number who are working full time online and making good money. How do I know this? Because I am making my money with my online marketing and media businesses. I make good money and have a very good lifestyle because of it, I have worked very hard and it took me sometime to find ways to create a good income from online marketing and media but now I am making good money. I think it is all about working hard and not making huge posts on DP all the time. I work 14 hour days which gets tough at times and sometimes wish I had a job where I got weekends off etc but there are many benefits to this as well. So I don't see the point really in posts like this.
    primeelite, Oct 6, 2008 IP
  17. primeelite

    primeelite Peon

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    Edited for double post
    primeelite, Oct 6, 2008 IP
  18. narsticle

    narsticle Peon

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    what are you talking about?
    narsticle, Oct 6, 2008 IP