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social bookmarking.

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by bossballa, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. #1
    hello all I got a question i hope this is an ok section to ask this in. I am wondering Do I use social bookmarking sites like digg and del.icio.us for bookmarking my blog, and for my squidoo page only. Or can I book mark my articles also. Or am i useing these social bookmarking sites worng altogether?
    bossballa, Apr 5, 2008 IP
  2. eagles325

    eagles325 Active Member

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    It is best to use SB for your content pages if you want to attract backlinks. Say you had a site about fat loss...your home page likely pushes a product but you also have several other pages that contain articles about fat loss. Bookmark the article pages because they actually provide value to the reader. If you articles are intriguing enough, then they will check out your home page for more info about your website. This is where they will be prompted to click on the offer.

    ...that is my strategy anyway.

    eagles325, Apr 5, 2008 IP
  3. bossballa

    bossballa Well-Known Member

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    do I have to mask my articles urls to submit them to digg?
    bossballa, Apr 5, 2008 IP
  4. eroker

    eroker Active Member

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    I use it for my blog. I get a decent amount of hits from it
    eroker, Apr 5, 2008 IP
  5. Patchkaa

    Patchkaa Peon

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    I saw a youtube video with this guy that claims you dont have to ever pay for PPC , I discovered he was talking Digg.com and how to get no.1 rankings with it!! I think its a scam because it doesnt last long and will only work for very low competitive kws. I commented on his videos but he deleted him - trafficcoleman.com I think is the name has anyone heard of him??
    Patchkaa, Apr 5, 2008 IP