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Some help regarding vector paths

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by kevydesigns, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. #1
    Version: Photoshop CS5

    Hi guys,

    Im wondering whether you people can help me.

    I am trying to create a 100% vector image, when I use paths I create strokes with them and then delete the paths. This makes the layer become non vectored, so if I resize the image, the non vector parts loses its quality.

    Anyone know how I can convert a path into a vector or shape so it doesn't lose its quality?

    Please help thanks
    kevydesigns, Dec 30, 2011 IP
  2. skys33d

    skys33d Peon

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    In Photoshop... ANY selection outline can be turned into a vector shape. For example... just using the lasso tool, draw a path.Then right-click inside the marching ants, and choose "make work path". Then a window will pop up. I leave it at 2 pixels most of the time. The marching ants outline will then turn into a solid line "work path". Next go to edit>define custom shape. Save it! It will then show up at the end of your custom-shape choices.Remamber to save your custom shapes in a folder otherwise you will lose it.

    You can create a vector image from a photo using pen tool.--> http://www.teamphotoshop.com/articles-The-Techniques-Creating-a-Vector-image-in-Photoshop-5,8,101a.html

    or you can use adobe illustrator or corel draw or a free one like inkscape to easily convert to high quality vectors..
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2012
    skys33d, Jan 1, 2012 IP
  3. kevydesigns

    kevydesigns Well-Known Member

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    Thanks skys33d it kind of helped..

    But I want to ask another thing.


    See this image, the bottom image is meant to be a path stroke, I have defined this as a custom shape.
    When I create a new layer with my defined shape, it looks like the image above.

    So how do I make the shape the same as the bottom one, but vectored?
    kevydesigns, Jan 1, 2012 IP
  4. skys33d

    skys33d Peon

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    what tool did you use to construct the bottom image?

    its most probably because the path that you created was not closed. that means if you are using a pen tool or any other, the starting point and the ending point should be the same. That is, probably while making the path, you only traced the path ABCD. and then saved it as a cusstom shape. here, the starting point is A and ending point is D. So the computer itself creates a closed path automatically as ABCDA..Hence the shape came as the above pic.

    What YOU SHoUlD actually do
    is trace the path ABCD and then trace it back to DEFA. So that the path will have the same starting and ending point as A. as given in the below pic and then save it as custom shape.

    digitalpoint-com Picture 1.jpg
    skys33d, Jan 1, 2012 IP
  5. kevydesigns

    kevydesigns Well-Known Member

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    wow your a legend!
    thanks for helping.

    I never knew you had to join them up.

    Now I don't see what the difference between the shape layer and the path tool because its the same to me :s
    kevydesigns, Jan 2, 2012 IP
  6. skys33d

    skys33d Peon

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    You are welcome.

    well you can modify the shape of custom-made shapes using path tool. for example,those default arrow shapes in photoshop can be bend, inverted, defigured etc. by the path tool very easily.
    skys33d, Jan 2, 2012 IP
  7. kevydesigns

    kevydesigns Well-Known Member

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    Thanks skys33d, learnt something new today.
    Only started learning the pen tool, coz I hardly used it.
    kevydesigns, Jan 2, 2012 IP