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SP2 M$ OS destruction!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by anthonycea, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. #1
    Microsoft is in real trouble with their OS, the SP2 update is a disaster, even their security center has a hole in it for worms.

    They are extorting money from customers forcing an upgrade to XP so users can get a so-called secure IE browser.

    Viruses and attacks are up 400% on the OS.

    Large corporations are looking to dump Microsoft completely since many applications and software will not work with the patch of a patch OS.

    My solution is to switch to MAC, major corporations, governments and institutions are moving to Linux desktop because of the security disaster that Microsoft products present on a daily basis.


    Everyone should consider a Microsoft box as a last resort when they buy their next computer.

    :mad: :eek: :mad:
    anthonycea, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  2. jebby

    jebby Active Member

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    My next machine will be a mac.
    jebby, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  3. NewComputer

    NewComputer Well-Known Member

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    haha AC,

    isn't this the exact same post you and I were already in discussion about? If you don't like it, don't use it. It is a real simple solution. Problem is, they make the best OS out there and everyone else has to try to adapt to what they have already done. You cannot make a new OS and expect all these software makers to adapt, YOU have to adapt.
    NewComputer, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  4. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    If you keep talking that trash NC, folks really will not consider you much of an expert.

    Maybe you should read the E-week expert opinions and come back and talk that trash, see if anyone that does their homework believe that bullshit :rolleyes:

    Sorry man, but experts do disagree with YOU, wake up man, you are so bias that I can see it from here.
    anthonycea, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  5. NewComputer

    NewComputer Well-Known Member

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    Bias, why would I be bias? I work with what is out there, someone else makes an OS that supports the hardware and software I am already using, then I will purchase it. Otherwise, I will continue to use, sell and repair this current OS.

    If you think I am wrong, then why is it hard as hell to install (for the common folk) and run Linux or any other OS? It is not written for the average Joe. It is written for techies like myself. When they get that fixed, people will buy and use it. Ever wondered why most Linux OS's are free, or why there are so many varying builds of it? It is because they are constantly trying to improve it and move it closer to M$.

    When they get there, I will use it full time and install it on clients machines. For now, M$ is king.

    You should really be careful as well to who you call a 'non expert'. I don't claim to be an expert in anything but the ability to help people.
    NewComputer, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  6. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    When you post hype I do not need to tell anyone that you are not an expert, what I did say was that maybe you should read what experts say before you continue down the same old road.

    Talk about software, the software I invested in for other versions of windows will not work with XP, so don't give me that line either...... :mad:

    Try to engage in what is happening today not what has been, read the e-week article again and discount the points the writer makes and I will think more of you being an objective professional.

    Explain Dell's move into Linux?


    I like you a lot NC, you know that, but don't blow smoke around, you can be more objective and provide much better commentary than I have seen of late.

    :mad: :eek: :mad:
    anthonycea, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  7. minstrel

    minstrel Illustrious Member

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    minstrel, Sep 27, 2004 IP
    J.D. likes this.
  8. minstrel

    minstrel Illustrious Member

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    Speaking of Joe Average (Average, Joe), SEBasic just pointed this out to me on another forum:

    I'm gonna be a failure, just like you, dad

    minstrel, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  9. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    I don't have to worry about the corporate users Minstrel, I told you many times what my solution is.

    anthonycea, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  10. mopacfan

    mopacfan Peon

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    Very interesting article. I was especially surprised to see the switch of web servers.
    mopacfan, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  11. minstrel

    minstrel Illustrious Member

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    I know, Anthony... just trying to keep you honest :D
    minstrel, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  12. NewComputer

    NewComputer Well-Known Member

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    I may be wrong here AC, but I pretty sure that Dell will sell a lot more systems with Windows. I believe that those will be more server related machines. I applaud them for trying something new, but society has been combed into a Windows OS system and until someone makes an OS that works with all the apps people are already using OR the software manufacturers make a switch to the other OS's we will see windows dominate. There are more making the switch, but it will take a long time. I know enough about all OS's to offer my services to anyone using any of those systems, so me being biased is not an issue. If I get 300 machines in a month, 1 has and Linux and 2 have OS X, so you know where the $$$$ comes in.

    The line that your previous software purchases won't work with XP is a flat out lie. Tell me all your software and I bet I can make 99% of it work. As for reading the article, I am sorry AC, I am currently to busy working on Windows machines to read them. I will later however. AC, what OS are you using right this moment, and tell the truth ;)
    NewComputer, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  13. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    I told you that in the last thread when I mentioned to you that I had XP and had upgraded to the great S-patch-2.

    I also mentioned that my mother had ME on her box and asked you why she should have to send the richest man in the world another 100 bucks or be blackmailed by this extortion scam that Steve Balmer dreamed up using the Russian Mafia as a bargaining chip.

    Just think Big Bill, we can make Billions converting the dummies up to X-patch if we tell them their browser is no good any longer.

    Man those guys at M$ come up with the best ideas to make money all the time :D

    I hope the government opens the anti-trust case back up against them and a class action lawsuit is filed today :eek:
    anthonycea, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  14. NewComputer

    NewComputer Well-Known Member

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    I would tell your mom to switch to FireFox. As for upgrading, move her to linux if you feel that strongly about it.
    NewComputer, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  15. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    I am not going to tell my mom anything, I have all ready told her to throw her computer out if she gets burned by viruses.

    She does not know how to download stuff, nor does she want to learn.

    If that is the solution for the average computer user that knows nothing about security (just throw your machine away once it is infected since you are not a security expert, since Microsoft products suck) then she can go back to using the telephone like I have all ready told her.

    I am in Florida, she is in Ohio, I can not babysit her, nor does she have the time or does she want to learn the virus, spyware, adware and malware Russian Mafia game.

    I would recommend that the average computer user purchases a MAC, since PC users must be security experts to own the pieces of shit.
    anthonycea, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  16. SEbasic

    SEbasic Peon

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    Just for the record Anthony - We have an imac in the office.

    It's crap. It was slow from day one (It wasn't exactly cheap when we got it), and there are all sorts of really weird buggy things going on with it.

    Strange caching of sites - so trying to test on it is a PIG - and another number of things...

    But, like you say - no viruses as yet.

    This is probabally just an isolated incedence, but I thought I'd throw it just to see where the thread would go ;)
    SEbasic, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  17. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    I would not buy an I mac, that is a low price non-upgradeable machine for having fun.

    I am talking about a G-5 or a laptop unit, powerbook or whatever, I just want to get away from Micro-scam-patch products.

    I am done with their OS, you keep using it.....I am not going to lose years worth of work because Bill Gates likes to release products to make money for Microsoft, but gives nothing but trouble to the consumers of the products.

    What will it be tomorrow, hit your on button and Satan jumps out of the machine?
    anthonycea, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  18. SEbasic

    SEbasic Peon

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    I RARELY get viruses on my machines. In fact, the last one I had was months ago. At work, I have NEVER had a virus on my machine.

    I'm not saying that the machines are perfect (They clearly aren't), but I would doubt that you could say that ANY OS is perfect.

    They always can be improved, and as far as I am concerned, I can easily find 3rd party software for pretty much anything I need that I feel can't be delivered my MS.

    Office is great for the mundane parts of my job.

    Textpad is great for the more intersting bits, as is FireFox, and Media PLayer 9 ( not ten - I don't like that) is great for all my multimedia stuff...

    It's so user friendly that moving to a new OS would be way too much of a culture shock.
    SEbasic, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  19. NewComputer

    NewComputer Well-Known Member

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    This has to be one of the worst arguements I have ever read. AC, if you own a car, do you leave it unlocked for people to come in and take stuff? NO. So, to say they have not at least done some things (similar to door locks, windows, etc...) is absurd. Now, if you want extra protection, you get virus protection and a firewall (call it a car alarm) something you pay to have installed unless you are one of the few people who knows how to do that right. If someone wants to break into your machine, they can. Adrian Lamo is proof of that. He hacked some pretty secure stuff, 100 of times more secure that mom's machine. Cars with alarms get broken into and stolen all the time, people don't give up and throw their cars away....
    NewComputer, Sep 27, 2004 IP
  20. NewComputer

    NewComputer Well-Known Member

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    yea, get a mac, pay twice as much and when something goes wrong there pay 5 times the amount to get it fixed. I charge double to repair Mac's and that is still well below what other MAC specialists charge. Also, you said your software doesn't work with XP, try running it on your MAC.
    NewComputer, Sep 27, 2004 IP