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Starting web hosting business with your own hardware vs reseller program vs rented VPS

Discussion in 'General Business' started by khurramalvi, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. #1
    Hello all

    I'm currently planning to start a web hosting company but need suggestions on the business model. I'm hands-on with product design, web development and some server administration, so designing and building a web hosting website is easy but I'm curious to learn what is the best approach to run a profitable web hosting business. I'm looking to put all the effort and time it needs to make it successful.

    Should I own my hardware which will include the following:
    1. Machine
    2. Dedicated IPv4 address
    3. High-speed internet connection
    4. WHM/cPanel, WordPress toolkit, Litespeed, Jetbackup, Softaculous, etc licenses
    5. Server management and patches
    Should I sign up for the Whitelabel reseller program which will allow me to sell web hosting services to my clients while they will manage all the hardware?

    Should I rent a VPS or dedicated server which could be managed or unmanaged and have more control over the server while don't spend the upfront cost of owing the hardware?

    Any suggestions, advice or tips on where should I start?

    khurramalvi, Jan 7, 2023 IP