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Stock Photo Dimension for Vinyl Banner

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by nunulka, May 26, 2012.

  1. #1

    I´m going to design a vinyl banner with the dimension 2400x2200 mm in Photoshop and have a stock photo with the dimension 4200x2800px. Is the stock photo large enough for the banner? Also what resolution (ppi) should I set up when creating the banner image?
    nunulka, May 26, 2012 IP
  2. freebanner

    freebanner Active Member

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    its small compared to your canvas. but it depends if you use it the full 2400mm width.

    you will need 300 dots per inch, and your canvas is 94 inches wide so you need an image 94x300= 28200 pixels wide

    However, dpi setting should be 300dpi for clean edges, where people would actually see them, but on large canvas banners the resolution is often set to 150 or even less 72dpi.

    if you will need 150 dots per inch, and your canvas is 94 inches wide so you need an image 94x150= 14100 pixels wide

    if you will need 72 dots per inch, and your canvas is 94 inches wide so you need an image 94x72= 6768 pixels wide

    take a close look at a billboard you will see huge pixels, but since its viewed from a distance the human eye cannot detect and a clear image is seen even at 72 dpi.

    Set your canvas in PS and then import the image and convert to smart layer. Your image is small even at 72 dpi but if it is a background image im sure it will be ok.

    If it is really badly pixelating you can apply a blur filter to the smart layer.
    Last edited: May 28, 2012
    freebanner, May 28, 2012 IP
  3. nunulka

    nunulka Active Member

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    A client wanted to use a person from the stock photo however when I put the cropped image into the banner it was far too small even with the canvas setting 72 dots per inch and when I resize the image I´m afraid it will look very bad and pixelated.
    nunulka, May 28, 2012 IP
  4. freebanner

    freebanner Active Member

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    it will, your options are to trun the picture into a vector and then import into PS.
    freebanner, May 28, 2012 IP