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The ABC's of sales technique

Discussion in 'General Business' started by WerkingForce, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. #1
    Closing... this concept and mindset don't tend to be in the head of most dropshippers and I personally feel that the main popularity off dropshipping as attracted people looking for realistic passive income witch in of its self is not a bad idea but failure to realize the importance to having an image or a persona for your website to connect with other suppliers or new customer groups to engage with one on one commerce and close the deal TODAY no tomorrow, not next week but today! realistically in sales, you must show to your customer that the value you offer is larger than the money they are willing to give you for that product of service
    WerkingForce, Apr 1, 2020 IP
  2. Spartan14

    Spartan14 Well-Known Member

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    Thats the point you need to deliver to the client the best value as posible
    Spartan14, Apr 1, 2020 IP
  3. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I have been a VP of Sales & Marketing for over 30 years now. ABC (Always Be Closing) refers to one theory of how a sales rep should act when dealing directly with customers. I.e., the sales rep's focus should be on moving the customer consistently towards the close throughout the sales cycle. Some sales cycles might be measured in minutes or hours and other sales cycles might be measured in months or years, so ABC can mean many different things to many different sales reps and sales managers.

    Myself, I am skeptical of the ABC is best theory (note that I have hired, trained, coached and managed hundreds of sales reps throughout my career) because I have found that different buyers react differently to various sales approaches. Some times, it is best to not try to close a customer and let them close themselves. Other times, a hard close strategy may be the most effective. There is no one-size-fits-all sales strategy, so ABC or any other approach can only be evaluated and used on a case-by-case basis.

    Of course, it sounds really sales-y and aggressive, so it is easy to repeat it as a cure-all. But it is only effective in certain situations.
    jrbiz, Apr 2, 2020 IP
    Benjamin Scott and qwikad.com like this.
  4. Benjamin Scott

    Benjamin Scott Active Member

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    That is so true. It takes alot of skills to be able to do this. I'm the type of buyer that does not like to feel pushed to make a purchase. Some sellers have the ability to sell without making you feel as they are selling to you. I purchased a house and never felt desperation from the sellers part. The whole experience felt as if I was talking to a friend.,
    Benjamin Scott, Apr 9, 2020 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  5. Edward Shaw

    Edward Shaw Greenhorn

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    What's known as the close is the final stage of the selling process,
    not the first. Some salesmen are known as excellent closers. When
    they have done their jobs, the actual closing can be the anti-climax;
    meaning, minds are already made up.
    Edward Shaw, Apr 9, 2020 IP