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The halve it challenge.(new years resolutions)

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by matt_62, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. #1
    With people making new years resolutions, I would like to offer the halve it challenge instead.

    The concept is simple. You need to find as many things in your own life that are wasteful, potentially damaging to your heath or the environment, or costing you money. And instead of vowing to never do this or stop enjoying that, instead just aim to "halve" your consumption of it. This way you still get to enjoy something you love, but this is a major win. People that drink beer, smoke, eat chocolate, some people quit for 1 week, or 2 weeks. Ok its great you tried, but if that doesnt work for you, then follow my idea. My idea is to enjoy what you love, but aim to halve your consumption for the entire year.

    To reiterate the main concept is to save money, help the environment, AND improve your health. Only you can identify what you can halve in your own life, but I can give you some examples.

    If you have 2L of soft drink a day, halving would be a fantastic achievement. If you have 14 cans of softdrink in a fortnight, halving that would be fantastic.
    If you eat fast food / junk food several times a day, aim to halve it.
    If you buy overpriced coffee from the shops everday, buy one every second day.
    IF you smoke 2 packets of cigarettes a day, aim to halve it.
    Heres one that vegans will like to hear. Many of us normies, actually do eat too much meat each day, in fact most of us each much more then what would be considered to be a healthy diet. It would be great if all of us, could halve how much meat we consumed on a daily basis, and replace the meat with more fruit and vegetables.
    If you drink a dozen beers a day, maybe you could halve it.
    If you watch tv for 4 hours a day, maybe you could halve that, and spend more time learning something, or exercising.
    I know someone that used to fly to different countries every weekend..... ok, if this is you, aim to halve this.
    IF you are buying drugs daily... please, seek help... but in the meantime aim for half.

    Sometimes to save money, and help the environment requires actually spending money first. For example, if you need alot of batteries and you are regularly throwing them away, look into buying a quality set of rechargeable batteries. Upfront costs are higher then "disposable batteries", but it often pays itself off quite quickly.

    Heres something that worked for me personally. I significantly reduced my waste by taking water bottles from home everywhere I go, and keep them and refill them again. It reduces the number of times I need to buy water / softdrink.

    If you do this challenge, halving things that are costing you money, and potentially damaging your health, then your bound to have a great year, your gonna save money and by the end of the year, you should be happier for it. Not only that, but if everyone does this challenge, and if everyone reduces their wastage, then the entire world is better for it.
    matt_62, Jan 1, 2017 IP
    jrbiz and qwikad.com like this.
  2. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I wonder if I could halve the amount of time I work??? ;)
    jrbiz, Jan 2, 2017 IP