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The IDIOTS Guide to MYSPACE . . .

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Surfbay, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. #1
    Is there any practical step-by-step, hot to do it guide to marketing on MySpace ???

    HTML etc are alien to me, but I can cut and paste . . .

    I am fascinated by the popularity of MySpace and I would like to give it a go.

    Any help will be appreciated . . .

    Are there any MySpace "How-to" locations I should check out ???
    Surfbay, Jan 19, 2007 IP
  2. AnaB

    AnaB Peon

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    AnaB, Jan 19, 2007 IP
  3. John Guanzon

    John Guanzon Peon

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    If you want to market on myspace, a higher "quality" friend count and memberships to groups or a large member group must be your first focus. It is all about building a base. But how do you build that base?

    Lets take this in sections starting with how to get a higher "quality" friend count. Why do I say quality? Because you want people who will be interested in what you are marketing.

    First thing you want to do is go to the search myspace bar, and put in what it is that you market. This will bring up peoples profiles that have the related topic you searched somewhere in their page content. There are some great initial friend requests to make.

    Next, take advantage of groups. Search the groups for content that matches what you are marketing. Join as many of those groups as possible. Make sure that your posts in those forums abide by the rules of the group moderator. If no groups match your content, this would be a great time to make a group of your own that does.

    Spam without spamming. I have found that if you have your website in your screen name, it shows as a clickable link when you visit the Myspace chat room. Example: Webmaster of www.john-guanzon.com. The John-Guanzon.com part will become a link every time you make a post in the chat room. Some may not like this, so if it disturbs members of the chat, either leave or change the screen name until your done chatting. But most of the time people will ask you about the url in your name, and an opportunity to give a little talk about what you offer will arise.

    Once you have friends, make sure to take full advantage of your bulletins. Post bulletins frequently to get the attention of people who may be interested in what you are marketing. To ensure people don't get bugged by your bulletins it is a good rule of thumb to delete your bulletins after you post about 4 or five before posting anymore.

    Myspace is worth the time, because your potential reach in a network of over 100 million users is limitless.
    John Guanzon, Jan 19, 2007 IP
  4. Surfbay

    Surfbay Active Member

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    Hi . . . hello AnaB

    Thanks for your message and feedback. I'll get over to your blog this weekend. Hope it does not all go over my head . . .

    Hi . . . hello John Guazon

    Thanks for your post. Wow . . . I'll check things out this weekend. Hope it all does not go over my head.

    I am the "Idiot" that "Idiot" books are written for . . .

    Be seeing you
    Surfbay, Jan 19, 2007 IP
  5. Surfbay

    Surfbay Active Member

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    Is there no one out there . . . that can offer me some step-by-step guidance for MySpace.
    Surfbay, Jan 21, 2007 IP
  6. webmasterlabor.com

    webmasterlabor.com Peon

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    It depends on what you're trying to push and how hard you're pushing. For example, myspace is pretty hardcore against dating site spam. However, it, from just my observation, is pretty tolerant of "BAND SPAM" as long as the band's homepage is like a fanbase homepage and bulletin updates are well spaced out and not too numerous.

    Anyway, best of luck to you.
    webmasterlabor.com, Jan 21, 2007 IP
  7. Cyclops

    Cyclops sensei

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    Just a heads up .... A lot of affiliate networks won't accept traffic from MySpace and will close your account and keep the money they owe you if they find thats where the traffic is coming from :mad: .
    I have no idea why they won't accept MySpace traffic, it goes against logic.

    However one network that does accept MySpace traffic is the one in my Signature. They are great to deal with, extremly helpfull and the best thing is they pay you on time :D .
    Cyclops, Jan 21, 2007 IP
  8. meegwell

    meegwell Guest

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    Could you consider marketing on MySpace similar to blog marketing? i.e. you need to build that audience around a focused topic (i.e. 'friends' that will consistantly visit your site like blog readers) then add your plugs wherever you can - specific postings (understanding there is a blog area within each myspace page) - ad links from your pictures (related of course) text links in your rants, etc...Id imagine that a book on blog marketing could easily convey. But I dont know, I havent done it.
    meegwell, Jan 21, 2007 IP
  9. htmlindex

    htmlindex Prominent Member

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    Myspace has double standards, tolerating spam from some members like bands, singers, models & not from others
    htmlindex, Jan 22, 2007 IP
  10. Zerosleep

    Zerosleep Established User

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    you wanna do Myspace Marketing? Here is the perfect free online guide for you
    http:/ /ww w.bloggergenerator.com/myspaceguide.pdf
    Read it might be very useful for you :)
    [if this help you then i wont mind a green rep point :)]
    Zerosleep, Jan 22, 2007 IP