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The joke is on MyspacePros.com

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Brinked, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. #1
    About 5-6 months ago I joined Myspacepros.com. I'm not a big forums person and I spend most if not all of my forum activity on here. I do own a myspace site so I just joined up, I made a total of 2-3 posts, nothing big just some responses to link exchanges.

    I started a new job for a lucrative online company in their marketing department. They have a client who wanted to spend approx. $35,000/day in online media advertising through video advertisements. Their target market was people 15-30 so I figured WOW I know a group of webmasters who would love to take advantage of this opportunity, with all the complaints from myspace resource webmasters how they have been earning less and less CPM from their myspace related site, this would be a huge lift as these auto playing video ads pay a whopping $4.25 per 1k unique visitors, and the visitor doesnt have to do anything but load the page.

    So when I go to login to Myspacepros.com I get the message "You have been banned indefinatley"

    Surely, this must have been a mistake because even though I have been inactive for a little while, I didn't do anything at all that would violate their terms. So what I did is contact Greg-j as hes a regular on here, I thought he was the owner but I no longer know for sure. His response was "Hey Matt, what's your screen name over there? I'll look into it."

    So after waiting a few days, i contact him 2 more times to no response.

    Anyway, I was pretty embarrassed in that I thought I had a sure thing and I had to remove myself from that campaign however I have redeemed myself lately and things are going well.
    Brinked, Jun 3, 2007 IP
  2. wierdo

    wierdo Well-Known Member

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    I hate thinking I can do something, then realizing I can't.
    wierdo, Jun 3, 2007 IP
  3. dougeetx

    dougeetx Peon

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    dougeetx, Jun 3, 2007 IP
  4. pasfile

    pasfile Active Member

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    suprise, surprise, :rolleyes:

    not really, nothing surprises me about greg-j/build revenues anymore. the guy is a leg end
    pasfile, Jun 3, 2007 IP
  5. Brinked

    Brinked Well-Known Member

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    like i said, the account is no longer mine, they asked me if I could do anything with it, I thought I had a win win situation and I was proved wrong. Its a huge loss for myspace resource site community, but not something im going to lose sleep over.
    Brinked, Jun 3, 2007 IP
  6. MrX

    MrX Well-Known Member

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    wow that sucks (for them). how'd u get banned with only 2-3 posts??
    MrX, Jun 3, 2007 IP
  7. Brinked

    Brinked Well-Known Member

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    no clue, the only thing I can think of is for inactivity or greg or someone over there doesnt like me lol. Either way its a missed opportunity for them, was just happy about my recent account so im able to laugh at it now. Would have been really great especially when an entire forum is based on webmasters for a particular niche you're looking to tap into. Just wasnt meant to be.
    Brinked, Jun 3, 2007 IP