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This year I almost lost everything but with hindsight, it was one of the best things to happen to me

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by LifeHackTraining.org, Dec 17, 2019.

  1. #1
    As the festive period approaches and another year comes to an end, many people will have renewed ambitions to change and will be setting New Year resolutions.

    This will be an opportunity for me to reflect on the past year and the dramatic changes that have taken place in my life which I have documented in previous posts.

    In summary, the last year I went from being wasted on alcohol all the time and taking cocaine a minimum of three times a week and losing all my life savings...

    ...to getting the shit kicked out of me (but winning) a kickboxing competition, starting a business and teaching myself to do this too:



    I remember one particular time, taking a shower and just completely breaking down crying.

    This soon developed into a habit. I’m not sure why, but being in the shower seemed to trigger the crying.

    I felt hopelessly isolated, abandoned and overwhelmed with fear.

    No income, desperately running out of money. Unsure how I would pay the rent.

    I was in SERIOUS SH*T.

    And when I looked up and around me, I realised that all those I used to surround myself with had disappeared.

    There was no one in sight.

    I came to the realisation that, in truth, no one I used to hang around with really gave a f*ck.


    It will sound like a cliché. But I’m gonna say it anyway because it’s true;

    It was at the point when everything fell apart around me and I pretty much lost everything, that I finally realised who I was and what I was truly capable of.

    I look back and realise that this needed to happen.

    Perhaps The Universe played a role in this test.

    I truly feel that everything of my previous self needed to be totally destroyed in order that new foundations be laid.


    At that point, it was time for drastic action: a new man was built, with a new identity.

    I consciously decided to rebuild myself into the person I wanted to be and used a range of exercises and techniques to help rewire my brain into that person.

    I asked myself

    • What kind of person did I want to be?

    • What did I want to stand for / represent?

    • How did I want to show up in life?

    • If there was something totally out of my old character, but would be pretty badass if I did it, what would that be?

    As I started to experience results, I started looking at everything in myself;

    • What else could I change?

    • How could I develop?

    • How else could I improve?

    I share some of the things I’ve changed in my life in the video below.

    These are some of the things that have totally changed my life.

    Some may seem obvious. Others not so much.

    At the end of the video, I also share some of the techniques and resources I used to help me upgrade my mentality and maintain motivation and consistency.

    Take a look at the video here if you’re interested in getting hold of some ideas and resources designed to help you make the changes you want to see in your life...
    LifeHackTraining.org, Dec 17, 2019 IP
    Spoiltdiva likes this.
  2. Spartan14

    Spartan14 Well-Known Member

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    I like your atitude bro .Keep going never give up and dont let life to put you down .Sometimes the most powerful and succesful people in this life had a miserable life until they become stronger
    Spartan14, Dec 18, 2019 IP
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  3. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Very honest compelling testament. Also a certain amount of courage is involved in laying all this out in public. As you have learnt one must love and respect themselves first, if you don't then why would you expect anyone else to? What we project from the inside does affect how we will be viewed/judged by the outside.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
    Spoiltdiva, Dec 18, 2019 IP
  4. TagYourLeads

    TagYourLeads Greenhorn

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    wow, you are the man, with a huge power inside!
    TagYourLeads, Dec 18, 2019 IP
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  5. Miguel Popossom

    Miguel Popossom Peon

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    You have an amazing attitude for sure, I wish there were more people thinking this way. I'm happy for you, man!
    Miguel Popossom, Dec 18, 2019 IP
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  6. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Good for you, and lots of good luck to you!
    Where is the video you mentioned at the end?

    By the way, I totally understand what you are going through. My 2014 and 2015 were wasted on alcohol. Would drink continuosly, day and night, for days.
    Then would fall sick for days. Will start drinking again, once I felt little better, and the loop continued for 2 years...
    You won't believe the hallucinations I used to have during those days...
    I wasted a lot of money, time, neglected business, shut down my own 10 year old established websites, its like I was setting my own life on fire...

    Finally one day, and I don't know why, but I decided enough is enough.
    Stopped that crazy drinking habit.
    Restarted my websites, started working on them, their marketing, re-did everything from scratch.

    If you ask me, will power is the only thing that can keep you going, and deciding, strongly deciding, very strongly deciding, I will not do that thing again, no matter what.

    Nobody can help you, except you.

    People can tell you horror stories about ill effects of drinking, can forcefully stop you from drinking for a while, but if you have not made "that decision yourself", its not going to happen...

    It is "you" who has to "decide" and then follow it like a "law!"
    Just make that decision, and then do it!
    JEET, Dec 20, 2019 IP
    Spoiltdiva likes this.
  7. LifeHackTraining.org

    LifeHackTraining.org Greenhorn

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    Thanks for your messages.

    It took some time to process this journey before I could write about it and let it out in the open.

    One key thing I learnt from this is I unlocked something within me that money could not buy.

    I realised that it is in true pain, suffering and vulnerability that we truly unlock the power and strength that we all have within us.

    I look back on what happened and came to the realisation that it was supposed to happen this way.

    I would not have exchanged this experience for the world.

    Through this journey I have found something so much more profound...

    I have made more progress in my life than the last 5-10 years. That is no exaggeration.

    I share all the things I learnt and gained during the last year here:


    Peace and love to you all over the festive season and for all your endeavours in the new year
    LifeHackTraining.org, Dec 26, 2019 IP
    Spoiltdiva and JEET like this.
  8. LifeHackTraining.org

    LifeHackTraining.org Greenhorn

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    Thanks for your message. This pain and suffering has helped me lay the foundations which I've been doing for the last 8 months of so.

    There are more elements to this story. This experience forced me to change my behaviour and perspective on life.

    Watch this space.

    All the best for the festive season brother...
    LifeHackTraining.org, Dec 26, 2019 IP
    JEET likes this.
  9. LifeHackTraining.org

    LifeHackTraining.org Greenhorn

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    It took some time to process this all. Approaching the end of the year, I have been reflecting on where I was then and where I am now. This was the start of a rebuilding process. Everything changed in my life.

    There is more to this story which I will be sharing soon...

    Take care and thanks for reading x
    LifeHackTraining.org, Dec 26, 2019 IP
    Spoiltdiva and JEET like this.
  10. LifeHackTraining.org

    LifeHackTraining.org Greenhorn

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    Thanks for you comment.

    I believe we all have this power within us. Perhaps most of us do not believe we do. It is through pain, suffering and vulnerability that we uncover who we truly are and our true strength and courage.

    It is now my duty to share my story and help empower others who have challenges in their life.

    This is not about me, this about how I can use this experience to serve others...

    Peace and love x
    LifeHackTraining.org, Dec 26, 2019 IP
    JEET likes this.
  11. LifeHackTraining.org

    LifeHackTraining.org Greenhorn

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    Thanks Miguel,

    This experience humbled me. Before this experience I thought I knew the world and life. I was misguided and naive.

    I feel blessed and happier than I have ever been.

    I know who I am and what I stand for.

    This experience was a message to tell me that it is my duty to help others...

    Take care brother
    LifeHackTraining.org, Dec 26, 2019 IP
    JEET likes this.
  12. LifeHackTraining.org

    LifeHackTraining.org Greenhorn

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    Thanks for your comment.

    I totally agree about making the decision yourself.

    I came to a point where I said I would not stand for this anymore.

    It was time for me to stand up and fight...

    And you will see from my next post coming soon, that is exactly what I did....

    The stories I share were the inspiration for me to set this up:

    Peace, health, happiness and prosperity to you...
    LifeHackTraining.org, Dec 26, 2019 IP
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  13. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Here's a clickable link to your channel

    I agree with your tips in your latest video.
    Simply having a resolution will not make us keep the resolution.
    Additional motivation is needed, a challenge etc.
    I believe that if a person has a partner to share the resolution with, then they maintain the resolution longer.
    Like in that going to gym example. If there is a friend who can accompany you, then that helps a lot!
    Same is with dieting, business goals etc...
    JEET, Dec 26, 2019 IP
    Spoiltdiva likes this.