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Those Automated Adsense Websites sold on Ebay

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by havatampa, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. #1
    Let's just say a friend of mine got duped into buying one of those pre-made fully automated MFA websites being sold on Ebay right now. He's new to the whole online marketing game and didn't do enough proper research before making a purchase decision. Anyway, now he's stuck with it.

    The automated content basically consists of pages and pages of RSS fed articles that keep piling on top of each other. There is no organization whatsoever, just pages and pages of articles about the same subject, each page with 10+ articles. To access the older content, you have to click through numbered pages listed at the very bottom. It's already up to 28 pages and growing!

    So now this friend needs to know if there's anything we can do to salvage this website. Is there any hope for an automated content website of this type? It has Adsense on all the pages, but I doubt it will generate any income because the site is not even ranking on Google.

    I'm looking for ideas to at least make this thing more presentable and not like a bunch of articles thrown together for the sake of having a website. Is it possible to add menus to sites like these? What are some alternative ways of organizing a site that updates itself? Should we scrap the RSS feed all together and turn it into a blog-type site? If we did that, would we be able to keep the articles that are already there? I'm just looking for any ideas on what I could possible do to turn this into a money-maker. How much if anything do you think an automated website like this could make per month if I added some other advertising? I've been thinking about possibly adding some related click-bank links, ebay affiliates, and maybe a few banners. I know the key is to generate the traffic, but right now I'm more concerned with making it presentable.

    Thanks for listening to my pathetic story. Any advice you all could give will be most appreciated. :(
    havatampa, Sep 25, 2007 IP
  2. projectshifter

    projectshifter Peon

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    With a little recoding and a couple properly written scripts, I don't see why you couldn't easily manipulate the data or put it into a different format.
    projectshifter, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  3. havatampa

    havatampa Peon

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    I've never done anything like that before. Can you point me to a link that would show me how?

    havatampa, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  4. IM5202

    IM5202 Peon

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    I can't help you with your problem but if you don't mind I'd like to share my feelings on those kinds of websites.

    Whenever I come across a website like this I'm hitting the back button asap. I don't understand why someone would take a good domain and offer just links. I feel a website should be developed and have quality content.

    After reading your post again your script is different than what I was talking about, sorry about that.

    Maybe you could rewrite (change around) the code and use categories to organize the articles. On the main page you'll have your intro text and below have the category links for each subject? Also list the categories on the left or right column. You can also limit how often the script fetches the rss feeds. If everything is just bunched together it doesn't sound like a quality script. Hope he didn't pay much for it.

    I'm not interested in scripts like that so I don't read up on them but I'm sure he could pick up a free script that does what he wants.

    Just go to google and type in free php scripts. There's a few good websites that offer all kinds of website scripts listed on the first page.

    Good luck
    IM5202, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  5. delrivo

    delrivo Guest

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    Just out of interest.

    How much did your friend pay for this site?
    delrivo, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  6. IM5202

    IM5202 Peon

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    If you've never seen source code then you'll need to read up on the subject.

    Just right click on your mouse and select view page source. If all the stuff you see looks foreign then it's best to have someone else edit the script.

    If you still want to dig in, you'll want to set up a server on your home computer. You can start with Wampserver. There's other development servers you can get free too.

    Then you'll need a php editor. Dreamweaver is like a wysiwyg editor, it's easy to modify webpages. There's also lots of free php editors too.

    Good luck
    IM5202, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  7. havatampa

    havatampa Peon

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    $52. Is that a total rip?
    havatampa, Sep 26, 2007 IP
  8. projectshifter

    projectshifter Peon

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    EasyPHP is easy and quick, and notepad is the best php editor :p

    You were asking about articles, I don't have any, I just do coding so it's something I reguarly run across. If you don't know code, you're best off hiring someone to do it, but odds are that'll run you as much as you paid for the site if you want anything quality.

    $52 for a site is nothing really, especially if you can make it SEO and make a few bucks from it.
    projectshifter, Sep 27, 2007 IP
  9. amanamission

    amanamission Notable Member

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    Well, I can't say I really approve of this kind of site, and perhaps you're just getting what you deserve, but you may as well know about this .75 offer to achieve the same thing you were looking for.
    This is neither an endorsement nor a recommendation, as I don't know the member or the quality of the service. But I think you can start from scratch and maybe make a better splog, so in the interest of promoting DP commerce, I went and found the link. There are other offers...just search autoblog.
    Hope you get some clicks or whatever.
    amanamission, Sep 27, 2007 IP
  10. lostreality

    lostreality Guest

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    by friend, you mean you...right?
    lostreality, Sep 27, 2007 IP
  11. havatampa

    havatampa Peon

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    Can't fool you guys. :eek:
    havatampa, Sep 27, 2007 IP
  12. dcoops

    dcoops Guest

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    My tip: Don't spend money to make money until you have learned everything you can without money :)
    dcoops, Nov 13, 2007 IP