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TikTok's geographical video placement

Discussion in 'General Business' started by arandon, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. #1

    We'll soon start a campaign on TikTok for our music. We'll post videos where anyone can duet with our music.
    We are based in Belgium and we'll upload the videos to a Belgian TikTok account. My question is:
    If someone from the US will duet with one of our video, in which country will TikTok show / popularise the new duet video?
    In Belgium (the original video's county) or in the US (the new duet video's country)?
    I'm asking this, because TikTok - at first - likes to push videos at geographically local areas, so I'm confused about how TikTok would work in our situation.

    Thanks for any answers in advance.
    arandon, Apr 26, 2023 IP
  2. hello wordl

    hello wordl Peon

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    TikTok is currently distributed in 150 countries, with more than 2 billion users, a very large number of users
    hello wordl, Dec 11, 2023 IP