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Tutorial : Multi-Colored Photo Effect - Adobe Photoshop CS5

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Stephan Wa, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. #1

    This Photo effect has been adopted with different photoshop effects. When you go through this, you can experience and learn different skills in one go. You can also change the style based on this.
    In this photoshop tutorial, it will show the processes to design this fantastic Photo effect – Multi-Colored Photographers effect. The inspiration of this design came from a Beautiful lady photo, and a similar Photohop effect like this would look interesting.
    Tutorial :

    Stephan Wa, Jul 15, 2014 IP
  2. Pureau

    Pureau Greenhorn

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    Very interesting tutorial. I haven't seen anything quite like this. Props for originality!
    Pureau, Aug 20, 2014 IP