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Using Photoshop Overlays

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Josef Montane, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. #1
    Photoshop overlays add an extra layer to your image that may alter its color, texture, and the overall look. People new to Photoshop may think of it as a kind of filter. However, they are more than that.
    How to use them?
    1. Download an overlay to your computer.
    2. Open the edited picture in Photoshop.
    3. Select Place from your File menu and select the overlay you want to work with. Thus, the overlay will open as a new layer.
    4. Switch to the Screen Blend mode and alter the opacity.
    Following these simple steps, you can make your pictures more interesting and unique. Here are a few overlay bundles that you can download for free.

    Here are a few overlay bundles that you can download for free
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2020
    Josef Montane, Nov 10, 2020 IP
  2. natalijennifer25

    natalijennifer25 Peon

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    Thanks for sharing this steps.I really need that
    natalijennifer25, May 4, 2021 IP