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Value of using multiple social media platforms

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by AaronJTech, Jan 7, 2021.

  1. #1
    I am the social media person for an amateur sporting organisation.

    It is voluntary work and quite a time consuming doing a good job with (1) Facebook to get it right and I also duplicate some of these posts in my club notes section of a (2) local newspaper and we also have an extensive (3) Email Newsletter.

    Although we have an extensive following, only a few people click on LIKE and/or SHARE, I assume that the same would happen for (4) Twitter and (5) Instagram.

    Even though it’s a well-supported sports club, only a few people ever bother to LIKE and SHARE a very diverse range of well-presented posts.

    I am always a little confused as to the value of the effort required to repeat the same posts that I have created on Facebook and duplicate them onto other platforms such as:

    Local Newspaper
    Emailed Newsletter

    Thank you for your thoughts.
    AaronJTech, Jan 7, 2021 IP
  2. Breslinnet

    Breslinnet Well-Known Member

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    Quick 2 cents worth....Just as people stand on different sides of political lines, religious affiliations, and even the economic divide---so are we different in our likes and dislikes in how we interact with our social media. Because we are all different with different reasons for being on social media and what our tolerances are for engagment/invasion/sharing of our personal space--the social networks each respectively accomodate and even feed those habits. Each being unique in a way unto itself as follows--IMO:
    Facebook is probably the most open,actually social even on a business level in the fact people really "put it out there"
    Twitter does not seem to want to get too detailed--just enough to drive you somewhere else for "the rest of the story" Lots of quick data so I can decide if interested or pass.
    Instagram is where you should dazzle us with hashtags and high resolution images.
    Youtube= all video all the time. Seems like the more the better and maybe 1 long video and multiple short even @ 30-60 seconds. This is the video media end of your promos and should be fact mixed with commentary.
    The reason necessary for the crosspost is to catch your potential viewers who wont cross social media lines regardless of how much they like your program. They are just as diehard about social networks as politics. Just make sure your content is modified to have an application to the social site you are putting it on
    Breslinnet, Jan 7, 2021 IP
  3. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Why are you posting on social media in the first place
    • to keep members informed?
    • to keep members excited about being members?
    • to get new members?
    • something else?
    If it's to keep them informed then you're doing that with the emails, I suspect the answer is to keep members excited to be part of the club.

    FWIW I'm not sure quite what an Irish "Sports Club" is. I'm thinking more like a soccer club that then has 30 teams rather than an American club like Mar-a-lago.
    sarahk, Jan 7, 2021 IP
  4. danasurvey

    danasurvey Well-Known Member

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    Different social media platforms allow you to reach different potential segments of people. For example, a post on Twitter might reach a prospect, but that same person doesn't happen to see your post on Facebook. Or vice-versa. I also agree it's a great way to keep people informed about your site, opportunities that are available, new opportunities, etc. Social media is a great way to engage people too, to promote activity, and to hopefully keep people active on your sites as well.
    danasurvey, Jan 10, 2021 IP
  5. HimanshuThakur

    HimanshuThakur Greenhorn

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    I think people should use more than 3 platforms for a better traffic in short term.
    HimanshuThakur, Jan 11, 2021 IP
  6. Andrea Yu

    Andrea Yu Greenhorn

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    Just a question, I am new to this so please bear with me. What are the reasons why there are less number of likes, shares, and interactions given that the post has a good content? Thoughts please, thanks.
    Andrea Yu, Jan 14, 2021 IP
  7. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Some thoughts:
    • Kids know that their likes go into an algorithm and are wary about what they feed it.
    • They know that their friends will see their likes and don't want to spam with stuff from their sports club
    • They've already read the email so the social media post isn't "new"
    • The post doesn't "request" a like. All those "give me an amen" or "like to choose this, comment to choose that" are about giving readers a reason to click
    sarahk, Jan 14, 2021 IP
  8. annaalford

    annaalford Greenhorn

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    There is a lot of benefit to using multiple social media platform. Here are some

    > Using multiple Social Networking accounts on different platforms Provides you a chance to achieve people
    > Bettering your brand across several networks A social networking strategy across multiple platforms can be an increasingly important advantage to your company
    > Use the entire capacity of each stage
    > Growing brand recognition
    annaalford, Jan 18, 2021 IP
  9. Ken_Xu

    Ken_Xu Well-Known Member

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    Using to much of social media will spread yourself too thin. be careful. Just focus on one (for me) which is Youtube, or Instagram. Youtube is the most popular web in the universe. Tons of traffic from just this website alone. Once you get the traffic and you can scale with paid ads. I don't like facebook because the engagement is like sh*t nowadays. Instagram is good, but you have to engage properly, offering giveaways/contest will also spark engagement. Instagram have 1 billion active users right now. Just like Youtube, if you can focus on Instagram alone, you see a big difference.
    Ken_Xu, Jan 18, 2021 IP
  10. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Would you rely on YouTube to get updates from your local sports club?
    sarahk, Jan 19, 2021 IP
  11. susiparker

    susiparker Greenhorn

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    Different Social media platforms have millions of users on the platforms. The benefit of using such platforms is that you will get access to a greater market.
    susiparker, Feb 1, 2021 IP
  12. Harvey Wolf

    Harvey Wolf Member

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    There's also preference in terms of age, younger people may prefer one platform) and possibly be of non working age while older people, ie working, older, retired etc might have a preference to another.
    It's like the ads you see on television, you can instantly see which market ie age group they are geared towards, the social media platforms to a degree are no different.
    So I do think age is a factor that needs to be taken into consideration as well when deciding which platform to use and not use.
    Harvey Wolf, Feb 1, 2021 IP
  13. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    It's not clear if they're trying to get access to a "greater market", I read the OP's post to mean they're trying to communicate with their existing membership.
    sarahk, Feb 1, 2021 IP
  14. Harvey Wolf

    Harvey Wolf Member

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    Hi the reason is even though say you have a following of 1000, when you post something not all 1000 will see it, for example on Facebook I believe its about 5% of your following that will actually be shown the post, due to the change Facebook has made yet again.
    That's one of the reasons why it's important you post regularly, because contrary to popular believe not everyone will be shown it.
    Harvey Wolf, Feb 1, 2021 IP
  15. Allan Yang

    Allan Yang Peon

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    There is no single answer to this question because the value of using multiple social media platforms depends on your specific goals and what platforms will best help you achieve them. For example, if you're looking to build brand awareness, then using multiple platforms will be more valuable than if you're only looking to drive traffic to your website.

    That said, in general, using multiple social media platforms can be very effective for achieving a number of different goals, including building relationships with customers, driving traffic to your website or blog, increasing sales, and more.
    A more convenient way is that you can use some anti-association tools such as MoreLogin to open accounts on multiple platforms. This method is anonymous and can effectively prevent IP from being tracked.
    By experimenting with different platforms and finding the ones that work best for you, you can maximize your results and achieve greater success online.
    Allan Yang, Jan 23, 2023 IP
  16. ArtificialIntelligence

    ArtificialIntelligence Greenhorn

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    Having a presence on many social media is a great part of the organization, all social media have different types of consumers, so you can directly engage with your product or services. You just need to take patience for like and share. First, you need to take action, you need to do some engagement with your connections or followers, E.g liking their posts, and commenting on their posts. So you will get the same in return.
    ArtificialIntelligence, Jan 25, 2023 IP