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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by dct, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. #1
    I'm currently reading a book called Aha (look no affiliate link :)), it's all about releasing your creative spirit and ideas.

    Came across this interesting fact which I just had to share:
    velcro - Invented by George deMaestal, whilst hiking in the Alps he noticed burrs stuck to his dog's fur and his clothes. The idea for velcro was born.

    Just shows inspiration can come at any time.
    dct, Feb 14, 2005 IP
  2. seo-ireland

    seo-ireland Peon

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    What about the slinky:

    'The invention of the Slinky was a happy accident. Engineer Richard James was trying to use springs to support delicate machinery on ships when one fell and flip-flopped across the floor. James told his wife about it and the couple began manufacturing the toy in 1943.'

    Source: http://www.odysseyofthemind.com/newslettermaterials/fall200504.php

    seo-ireland, Feb 14, 2005 IP