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Victim of Being Stalked

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Zirkon Kalti, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. #1
    I have been regularly going to the library and there was a man that keep on stalking me. I tried to avoid him but it is like he knows when I was at the library. He has a bald spot on his head and he just look weird like a crook to me. He asked me to move to his house and only charge rent of $100. Normally, the rent is $500 but he said he is only charging $100 because he knows me. But, we have only talk for a few times and he said he know me. He is living alone and he said his wife and children live in Singapore. I ask him why he didn't visit them in Singapore and he said he didn't want to. I don't trust this man and everything he says as he seem suspicious. Please suggest what actions should be taken for victims of stalkers. Please help!
    Zirkon Kalti, Aug 28, 2016 IP
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  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    If he has done anything to threaten you then you should go to the Police - but I don't know how seriously your police take stalking complaints.

    Do not engage with him in any way - don't talk to him, don't answer him, don't be alone with him. If he tries to approach you go up to anybody else and ask if they can just walk with or talk to you for a few minutes.

    Most stalkers are harmless but I'd say this one wants to make you obliged to consent to whatever he wants. He'll probably find another target soon and you'll be free and clear - not so good for the next person though.
    sarahk, Aug 28, 2016 IP
    Arick unirow likes this.
  3. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    It could be that he may be a bit odd but not a danger. But what you can do is to go to the library with a relative or male friend that you trust. Make as if the male relative/friend is your date. Perhaps he can give you a kiss on the cheek or a hug. This will give the impression that you have a boyfriend and the odd guy will more than likely give up and leave you alone.
    Spoiltdiva, Aug 28, 2016 IP
    Arick unirow likes this.
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Good idea - even though it's disgusting that he'd leave you alone out of respect for the guy, and not respect for you.
    sarahk, Aug 28, 2016 IP
  5. StSignal

    StSignal Greenhorn

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    Well,it is only disturbing it is not dangerous itself,it is potentially dangerous.
    StSignal, Aug 28, 2016 IP
  6. Froggys

    Froggys Greenhorn

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    Stalking is not dangerous,just kill the bitch,just kidding lol.
    Froggys, Aug 28, 2016 IP
  7. robyries

    robyries Notable Member

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    Yes,.. Ask someone you know like your family pr friend, pretend like boyfriend or ask him to stay with you for a couple days..
    robyries, Aug 28, 2016 IP
  8. Zirkon Kalti

    Zirkon Kalti Well-Known Member

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    Thank you all for your responses. It is really scary to be stalked. I feel like someone was following me and someone tried to use their phones to snap a photo of me. Twice it has happened like this. IN JESUS NAME GOD ALMIGHTY will strike that person who is stalking me and taking photo of me. God will punish him so that he dare not do this on me anymore.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
    Zirkon Kalti, Aug 30, 2016 IP
  9. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    God gives us Police to do his work!
    sarahk, Aug 30, 2016 IP
  10. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I hope that you are not just reacting to an over active imagination. I have no idea whether or not you are just being insecure. But if this is really happening and you feel that someone is trying to take photos of you, then just start wearing dark sunglasses until he desists. If he keeps it up then stick your tongue out at him. Do this and I can almost guarantee that he'll never take another photo of you.
    Spoiltdiva, Aug 30, 2016 IP
  11. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Unfortunately the OP lives in a country that embraces the West but still has many traditional, patriarchal values. He probably doesn't understand why the OP isn't blown away by his generosity and the thought of the "fun times" they could have together.

    This article is a real eye opener http://www.bodyforwife.com/she-doesnt-owe-you-shit/
    It's easy to think that the USA and Canada have equality and have it sussed but the examples are oh so believable that you realise they don't. And if that crap is still going on there it's no wonder it happens in other countries.
    sarahk, Aug 30, 2016 IP
  12. wco

    wco Well-Known Member

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    We learn and study something called OPSEC in the military, which stands for Operational Security. Long story short, you should always alter your routine on at least a weekly basis, and if you believe you're already a potential stalking victim then I reccomend you change your schedule/routine daily. I.E:

    When you go out, what mode of transportation
    What streets you take, and what time
    When you come, and when you normally leave the library (Do NOT leave at closing time if you know whats good for you)
    Stop traveling alone for the time being, if possible

    And yes, absolutely file a police report. Even if you don't know his full-name, give all of the same information you posted here to the police - you'll probably have to go down to the station. Even a description will suffice, and his habbits - travel, times, etc. You think there aren't CCTV's at your library, or nearby local businesses? This is a form of accountability for you, so godforbid anything happens to you, the police will already have a head-start on who the likely perpetrator may be. Goodluck, be safe, be smart. William

    EDIT: Not sure if you're being followed? Drive or walk in a complete square via the streets, and then come to a conclusion. If necessary to observe, making larger squares (more than one street) to make the same mannered laps to identify whether or not you are possibly being followed (home).
    wco, Aug 31, 2016 IP
    jrbiz, sarahk and Arick unirow like this.
  13. nekabloggymedia

    nekabloggymedia Active Member

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    Complain in your near by Police Station.
    nekabloggymedia, Dec 18, 2016 IP
  14. kylewmoore90

    kylewmoore90 Peon

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    Does he know where you live? If he does, it might be worthwhile getting some good home security.
    kylewmoore90, May 15, 2019 IP
  15. Zirkon Kalti

    Zirkon Kalti Well-Known Member

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    There is someone who lives below my bunk bed. It is an Indian man but I think he is disguising himself. The reason is because I had seen two other person with different faces but same height - one is a white male with blonde hair and the other is a white female. The man even take his spec out a little to nod at me when I was walking with my brother at the shopping mall.

    Now, this Indian man also the same height. I am thinking he must be a short person because the back of the knee, the popliteus is especially big. Maybe that is where he stands at and the down part he is wearing a wooden stick to help him become taller with fake fake dark skin and cosmetics to cover up the face. He had been drinking beer in his bunk bed.

    I am thinking of Rev. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, if he had get a permit from God to come to look for me from heaven. I just hope everything could go well, that he ask me out and we go dating. I know I am a shy person and that I don't know how to talk to people. But, I hope that we could go dating and then get married. I like him. I am in love with him.

    In the meanwhile, I am just back in my mother's house. Every time when I am in my mother's house, I throw away something. I know my mother hates me, ever since when I am a baby. I have also been to the DIY store, and when I go there buying something, something bad would happen, like air cond damage in the dormitory or I lost something or some bad people start to aim on me.

    But, I can't stay in that hotel. I had stayed there 3 months. Now after 10 days, I check out wasting 20 days or so. I ask for refund and they won't give a refund. The dorm is so dark, that no one can even see that the carpet has a lot of black mold. Everything in there keeps getting moldy and rusty.

    My mother always read something from her computer screen, she rebukes something in Jesus name and then something bad always happen. I think it is wrong for a Christian to rebuke in Jesus name because something bad happens every time. It also may be wrong when they try to pray in tongue language toward you because bad things always happen like that too. I am sure it is because they have wrong intention when they pray like that. That is why bad things happen.
    Last edited: May 18, 2019
    Zirkon Kalti, May 18, 2019 IP
  16. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    A co-ed dormitory? Toto, we are no longer in Kansas.:eek:
    Last edited: May 18, 2019
    Spoiltdiva, May 18, 2019 IP
  17. Zirkon Kalti

    Zirkon Kalti Well-Known Member

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    Yes. Mixed dormitory with male and female. Also, the bathroom is also shared by both male and female guests.
    Zirkon Kalti, May 18, 2019 IP
  18. Orol

    Orol Member

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    No need to get scared anymore, you have police to make it work out.
    Orol, May 18, 2019 IP
  19. Zirkon Kalti

    Zirkon Kalti Well-Known Member

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    I had seen someone coming to the house to find me. They are like invisible, I think they are not demons but human with the ability to become invisible. Maybe it was him finding me and now I realized it could be. Maybe they could be human and then have a spirit that also changed into a human. I hope Rev. John Wesley will look for me on Digital Point and contact me here. Then, we can talk on Skype or other instant messenger and phone and meet somewhere.
    Zirkon Kalti, May 22, 2019 IP
  20. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    You must be attracted to older men, especially dead ones. John Wesley was 87 when he died in 1791. I have not seen him post on DP, but I do not read all sections. But he probably has limited computer skills and his eyes may be failing, anyway.
    jrbiz, May 22, 2019 IP
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