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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by minstrel, Sep 28, 2004.

  1. #1
    Anthonycea is the thread starter for an anti-Microsoft thread on this forum that within 24-48 hours managed to inspire -- so far -- 20 pages and 190+ posts.

    I think we need to reward his dedication and initiative. I also want to cast my vote for him for the forum guy with the best avatar.

    Let's start clicking on that little icon and giving AC (one half of the now infamous AC/NC rock group) some positive karma. Object: to return him to the green button status whence he began.

    minstrel, Sep 28, 2004 IP
  2. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Your taking me the wrong direction Minstrel, I was trying to get -100, I am -73 or something now.

    Shawn told me when I got here to be nice to others, I have been trying my best to be as nice as possible to all.

    I have been a trouble maker all of my life though, that will not change I do not think.

    Thanks for the reformation effort Minstrel, I think we all believe you are a valued member at DP, we are glad you are here.
    anthonycea, Sep 28, 2004 IP
    yfs1 likes this.
  3. minstrel

    minstrel Illustrious Member

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    Hmmm... then how about a special rank? "Shit Disturber" or something?

    Shawn needs to reward you somehow for the return traffic...

    I vote we rest the score to 0 or whatever and let AC start again.... see how quickly he can to either -100 or +100 after that.
    minstrel, Sep 28, 2004 IP
  4. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    I have had a bad reputation all of my life Minstrel, sort of like the "The Purple People Eaters" or "Mean Joe Greene", both those teams used to come into Cleveland and kick the shit out of the Browns.

    So having a "Bad Rep" ain't so bad, the forum circuit is almost as rough as Pro Football, you know that Minstrel.

    I sure do :D
    anthonycea, Sep 28, 2004 IP
  5. minstrel

    minstrel Illustrious Member

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    It certainly can be... there are places I can't go any more -- they give me multiple aneurisms (spelling?)...

    Rock and roll is a vicious game...
    minstrel, Sep 28, 2004 IP
  6. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Well there are so many webmaster forums and I have seen most of them, problem is you can only contribute to maybe 3 or 4 at the most.

    If you work full time offline you are lucky to get one post a day in, just so happens I have been self employed most of my life.

    But that is going to change since this economy has killed my business of the last 20 years.

    Promotional Product sales of things like these www.boardmedia.com

    I found myself having to go back into the work force to get any employment I could find since the business has not produced the sales since the recession started in 2000.

    I do not see things getting better anytime soon with oil prices moving to 50 bucks a barrel, one analyst mentioned today that it could go through 60.

    So I may have to make drastic moves such as going to work for my old partner which means moving to another state.

    That is how bad this last 4 years has hurt me.
    anthonycea, Sep 28, 2004 IP
  7. jebby

    jebby Active Member

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    I hope for you and the rest of the world that things change for the better after this coming November...
    jebby, Sep 28, 2004 IP
  8. chachi

    chachi The other Jason

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    I hope so too, but that is highly unlikely. I think we are really in for some really rough times in the months ahead. Hopefully only months. (BTW, I am not half glass empty guy, just looking at the facts).
    chachi, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  9. Lever

    Lever Deep Thought

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    ...and the rest. I'm not one for shock tactics, but lifeaftertheoilcrash goes for where it hurts...

    ...and the preview vids at end of suburbia make for interesting viewing.
    Lever, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  10. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    My theory on the "Oil crisis" as they used to call it in the early 70's when Nixon and Henry Kissinger rigged the oil markets with the mid-east oil interests as partners is this.

    The bastards have been stealing trillions ever since this happened and Kissinger had to resign from the 9/11 commission because of conflict of interest since Kissinger & Associates (his firm) still represents the Saudi Kingdom as an agent in dealings with Uncle Sam.

    So you tell me what is wrong here, Michael Moore was correct folks, just face it, this country is run by thieves, it has been going on since Nixon (early 70's).

    Nixon's crew is in Power in the White House, Bush was the one who wanted to appoint Henry Kissinger to investigate 9/11 and he had to resign because of conflict of interest.

    That says it all, don't be fooled folks :cool:
    anthonycea, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  11. T0PS3O

    T0PS3O Feel Good PLC

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    Too bad... Sorry Buddy!
    T0PS3O, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  12. minstrel

    minstrel Illustrious Member

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    Conspiracy theories are bad for your health, AC.

    My theory: This is about greed, for sure -- oil companies have always been that way and they justify it by saying, "look how much oil exploration costs" -- but right now they are playing on fear. Anyone hear the interview a few weks back with the Saudi oil minister: His claim is that there current oil prices are based on fears about a shortage that needn't happen -- that Saudi Arabia is prepared to increase production to meet any projected shortages should they actually occur -- and that US oil reserves are actually higher now than they have been in years. It's all these crazy stock market people, with the oil retailers jumping in saying, "Hey we can make a buck here". Up here, the Canadian government then goes "cluck, cluck, such a shame the gas and heating oil prices are so high" and no one seems to understand that almost half of the curren 80-90 cents per litre we are paying now is taxes and taxes on an already taxed product.
    minstrel, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  13. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Well Minstrel, until the people rise up against the "Powers that be" and demand that lawmakers work in the interest of the people and the citizens keep a close eye on lawmakers while they are in office, this scam will never change.

    It is simple corruption, you can not call it a marketplace, it is all based on lies and manipulation.

    Look at Enron, they proved that Ken Lay, another Bush Family Friend manipulated the energy markets that caused natural gas prices to triple.

    This put millions of folks in California OUT OF BUSINESS, since the manufacturers that did not have long term contracts on Natural Gas could no longer compete with overseas competition.

    How many Enron workers lost their savings and retirements when executives stole money sending it to offshore accounts? How many pension funds lost Billions, what about the shareholders who lost their stock investments when the company filed bankruptcy?

    Should this sort of corruption be allowed to continue in the energy business that affects all of us? These assholes are destroying the economy and the western world with their thefts. Ready to pay $5.00 a gallon for fuel folks?

    Maybe Bush will raise minimum wage so you can buy gas to get to your slave station :D

    When will the citizens of the world demand justice for the thieves in power who continue to steal Trillions in the corrupt and liar filled oil industry?
    anthonycea, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  14. minstrel

    minstrel Illustrious Member

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    I don't claim to be "in the know" when it comes to US politics. Maybe Michael Moore is right, although I would note that one of the things I do admire about him is that he makes no attempt to portray himself as an unbiased journalist (unlike many TV and newspaper journalists who pretend they are just reporting the news and then proceed to write editorials masquerading as news stories).

    However, I think people are getting confused by the title of this thread: It's not about the US election -- it's about changing AC's little red square to a green one,
    minstrel, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  15. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Your thread will do better with the oil conspiracy discussion Minstrel, folks here know I am beyond reform, the reputation deal here for me really means little at this point.

    These guys would rather discuss things other than my rep.

    But if you insist maybe they will discuss the issue that is the subject of your thread, don't count on it happening :D
    anthonycea, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  16. Weirfire

    Weirfire Language Translation Company

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    I reckon if someone has a bit of money and wants to have a nice retirement then the place to invest their money right now is wind turbines.

    Although we are talking about someone in their twenties... Sorry Anthony
    Weirfire, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  17. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    This article illustrates exactly what I am saying, read it carefully, it mentions that HIGH OIL prices will drag this economy all ready on the ropes into a deeper slump.


    Bush does not care as long as he and his friends make us all slaves to the Houston Oilmen's Association.
    anthonycea, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  18. Lever

    Lever Deep Thought

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    Oil affects us all more than most of us care to admit. Look around you and figure out everything that's a product/by-product of oil/uses oil somewhere in its manufacture/distribution...

    ...what's left after that?
    Lever, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  19. Lever

    Lever Deep Thought

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    How many wind turbines would it take to supply the UK with electricity? And where would they go? Most likely they'd all be placed somewhere remote and windy... How much land you got Weirfire? You could make your retirement from the sale of that ;)
    Lever, Sep 29, 2004 IP
  20. minstrel

    minstrel Illustrious Member

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    omigod... I just noticed something:

    red square???!!!

    There's that Russian mafia connection again -- it's everywhere! :eek:
    minstrel, Sep 29, 2004 IP