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    y u no do it?

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What business model?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by Dadda, Sep 6, 2021.

  1. #1
    New to the online world, I work offline, full time, dad.
    I want to increase my income and why not to enjoy the location freedom that the online business can give. Please advise what type of business can suit me, no knowledge or experience in programming, design...

    Thank you.
    Dadda, Sep 6, 2021 IP
  2. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    If you are proficient in another language you can make make extra income by translating. If you are adept at doing research and are able to string coherent sentences together that are error free with good grammar and punctuation, you can hire yourself out as an article writer. There is good money to be made doing this once you acquire a steady client base.
    Spoiltdiva, Sep 6, 2021 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  3. Dadda

    Dadda Peon

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    Yes I'm fluent in French, Arabic and English.
    DO you think I need to register in Upwork...?
    Dadda, Sep 6, 2021 IP
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Your initial post was so light on detail that nobody could give you any solid info. I was impressed that @Spoiltdiva came up with translating and it actually might work for you!

    What are you passionate about?
    When you were working what industry were you in?
    Do you have the sort of personality that can tell a good story?

    People are making money on sites like TikTok presenting their specialist subject in an entertaining way. There's a high school PE teacher, a pool cleaner, dog trainers, crafters... It's probably best if there are only a few in your field but no doubt there's room for more.

    The tried and tested method is affiliate sales but the market is so well established that you'd need to have a solid business plan thought out before you dive in.

    But you might be able to get enough traffic on a tutorial site of your specialist subject with ads.

    You might even be able to create things and promote them to an artisan audience.

    Remember that you don't necessarily need huge amounts of traffic, quality traffic will be how you earn and that depends on what you end up selling - product / ad space / services
    sarahk, Sep 6, 2021 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  5. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Start off by advertising here on DP. I actually made a bit of money here translating and I didn't even advertise. They simply PM'd me and I did a few jobs, made about $1,000 all told. As to writing I could have made far more here if I'd have wanted to. Instead I always referred the requests and farmed out projects to other writers on DP.
    Spoiltdiva, Sep 6, 2021 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  6. VortexAlpha

    VortexAlpha Member

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    You didn't give us any information about what you actually know and could do, you just said what you don't know. If you want to jump into online work you should primarily fill yourself with knowledge and skills, especially the ones that are highly required, and then you could start doing some freelancing jobs. Maybe you should consider learning about marketing as with that you would have a bunch of different opportunities for making money online.
    VortexAlpha, Jan 6, 2022 IP