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What do you think of this CMS?

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by Jim Guinn, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. #1

    I'm new so I can't yet use links for another 6 days as per forum rules.....but, I want your opinion of this new CMS that has just come out. I am a member of this company, and while I think they have a good product, I think they have done a poor job with the website making a distinction between TYPO3 and their "versions", and even between their two versions. (I guess once I get link and signature privileges, my signature will lead to my site which will eventually lead to this product.)

    However, if you put a www in front of giicms2 and then add a .com you'll see the site.

    This is NOT an affiliate link! I want some honest feedback to send them that is NOT coming to them from their "die hard" distributors.

    Thanks if you can help.

    Jim Guinn, Jan 26, 2006 IP