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What is your "walk away" price?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by matt_62, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. #1
    short version
    On this forum, I have seen a few people have public meltdowns.
    So I want to ask, what is your walk away price? what price would you need to be offered to quit working online for 12 months?

    long version
    Imagine, a competitor, grabs you, blindfolds you and knocks you out.

    You wake up in a warehouse, tied to a chair. On the table in front is a loaded gun, and a briefcase overflowing for cash. Lets throw in a few dead people for dramatic effect.

    Then they ask you, how much you want, for all of your online assets, and they offer you cash on the condition that you cannot work online for 12 months....

    BUT at the same time, you know if you ask for too much, if you get too greedy and ask for an unjustified amount, you get the bullet instead. But ask for a justifiable amount, and you get that amount in cash.

    So tell me, what is your walk away price? Without being greedy, what price do you need to sell all online assets you have, and quit working online for 12months?
    matt_62, Mar 25, 2017 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    I think what would appall me most is the lack of opportunity to stay up to date from a skills perspective. Lots changes in a year.
    sarahk, Mar 25, 2017 IP
  3. Hybirid

    Hybirid Member

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    Money, which is enough to go for 12 months in a warm country and live there clover
    Hybirid, Mar 29, 2017 IP
  4. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I am surprised that this thread didn't take off. Usually there'll be at least a dozen users stating these extravagant / absurd numbers. I am just guessing, but for the majority of established internet marketers (not including super duper high earners) that number would average between $50,000 - $200,000.

    qwikad.com, Mar 29, 2017 IP
  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I saw your post when first put up and thought about it, but was not sure how to respond. The problem for me is that most of my income comes from my "day job" and the internet side of things is much smaller income. However, it is also a bit of a hobby for me (though I like the extra income, too), so the value, to me, is not a direct corrrelation to the revenues/profits. So, under your rules, I would probably be asking for an "unjustified" amount based on pure business reasoning and be killed. But, per @qwikad.com 's range, $200K would do it. I know, I know, now I die... :)
    jrbiz, Mar 29, 2017 IP
    matt_62 and qwikad.com like this.
  6. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    In all honesty, mine is relatively low. I do not want to personally say mine as people may think that I have an ulterior motive for starting the thread. Part of what I was hoping to achieve is to make people rethink just where they are right now, take stock of what they have, whats 'valuable', and whats dead weight. And maybe, just maybe, rethink where you want to be in the next 12 months.
    I think alot of us are guilty at one stage of another of 'flogging a dead horse'. Some things will just never take off, things like typo domain names that people keep registering, because they overpaid, and wont let go until they can recover what they spent. Dead projects dont just cost money, it costs time, which is something far more valuable.

    I think in part there is a beauty in being able to wipe the slate clean. No baggage, no emotional attachments, no sites, or domains to cling to... slate is cleaned and 12months to re-focus, upskill and maybe even have holidays.

    I was expecting some people to give a number that reflects 1 years income, of what they would earn online in a year, like a copywriter, might have no assets to sell, so 1 years income is justified.

    What if it was $100k payout, you cannot work online for 12 months, but you now have 12 months to re-focus, upskill, and in 12 months time launch something. What could you achieve
    matt_62, Apr 1, 2017 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  7. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    It would've worked in the good ol' days when we weren't at the mercy of the big G. At least not that much. I would walk away from some of my projects if I new that when I start something new I can build the same traffic in 2-3 months (as it used to be the case). This "fear" keeps me clinging to the same old sh*t. As long as it's not totally dead I'll keep clinging to it. You never know, in a few years' time everything can change.

    qwikad.com, Apr 1, 2017 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  8. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Honestly, that would probably do it for me. I could still go online and do fun stuff as long as it was not income-related and I would still have the day job, of course. If anyone is interested in pursuing this, I can accept checks, credit cards, bitcoins, etc. :)
    jrbiz, Apr 1, 2017 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  9. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I have posted the statement below on a few threads on DP over the years and I originally heard it in the late 1980's. It is still appropriate today:

    A Successful Entrepreneur is Someone with a Vision who:

    Is Stubborn Enough...

    To Stick Around Long Enough...

    To Get Lucky!
    jrbiz, Apr 1, 2017 IP
    matt_62 likes this.