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What software do I need for amazing PDFs?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by neilboland, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. #1
    Hi everyone,

    I'm working on some ebooks and reports. At the moment, I use OpenOffice, and export my files as a pdf. However, I want to have more control over how the finished PDF actually looks. Right now it looks like a Word document, what I want is to be able to produce something that looks like this.

    If you've read Seth Godin's free ebooks, they have a similar layout and design.

    Does anyone know what software I would need to be able to layout the graphics and text in my PDFs in this way? I was thinking about getting Adobe Acrobat, but is this simply a more advanced "Printer driver" PDF program, or will I have a lot of control over layout etc?

    I know that no program will make you a good designer, I'm looking for software that will give a lot of control over making a PDF with a great layout and graphical design.

    If anyone has any advice on the best software to use for this, I would appreciate it


    neilboland, Jul 17, 2006 IP
  2. nextebizguy

    nextebizguy Peon

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    Looks to me like he/she used a desktop publishing program like InDesign (http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign/)

    Programs like that basically give you a canvas to place pictures, objects, and text in any location you want. Lots of great features and the PDFs come out looking great.
    nextebizguy, Jul 17, 2006 IP
  3. jestep

    jestep Prominent Member

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    I think indesign was used for that as well.

    You can also use something like photoshop, illustrator, quark express, microsoft publisher or powerpoint, and print to a pdf using adobe acrobat.

    Whichever way you go, professional software is normally pretty expensive. If you are a student the academic version is definitely the way to go. The standard indesign software costs about $700.
    jestep, Jul 18, 2006 IP
  4. neilboland

    neilboland Peon

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    Thanks for the replies guys, I downloaded the trial version of Indesign, it's exactly what I was looking for.

    neilboland, Jul 19, 2006 IP