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What Website do you miss?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Olney, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. #1
    Is there any websites that had features that you loved that either dissappeared, completely changed, or cut back because of money?

    Mine are:

    1. HitBox & Yep.com
    Used to be a free counter to give me stats for my site. I loved them..

    2. MP3.com used to have a lot of independant artists & now it's completely commercial artists on the site.
    Olney, Feb 3, 2005 IP
  2. Dji-man

    Dji-man Peon

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    I used to visit kevintx's page on paranoia.com as a teenager in the 1st few years of the web ca.1994-95. I remember when he was writing about his server, a 486dx2 running linux and a dial-up connection... He even scanned his phone bill once, it was about 45 pages long...

    The content was ok, but back then, there wasn't much on the web.
    Dji-man, Feb 3, 2005 IP
  3. bLaDeY

    bLaDeY Guest

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    I don't remember too many sites back when I was younger although there is a site which I called my car bible 'vncommodore.com' as the guys on there knew everything it seemed.

    Unfortunately due to some disagreement or something similar the site was pulled, on the bright side that's how my site evolved so it's not all bad I guess.
    bLaDeY, Feb 4, 2005 IP