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    y u no do it?

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    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

What would you value this site at?

Discussion in 'General Business' started by CarlBlogger, Jun 12, 2021.

  1. #1
    Hi all, I have a mental health Facebook page with 19k likes and a premium domain


    I won't link it here but it's quite a good extension.

    Any rough estimates of a starting point?
    CarlBlogger, Jun 12, 2021 IP
  2. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    Just a domain, or is there a site at the domain too?
    And what is the tld of the domain? If its a country specific tld, then price will fall.
    You can tell the TLD. Until you create a http link, this site will not create a link to the domain/site.

    Facebook page could be worth 100 or 200 dollars. Its not just about likes, but its engagement that matters.
    Your page could have 19k likes, but if only 10-20 people are liking and commenting on page posts, then your viewership is just about 100-200 people, out of which may be 10% are liking/commenting.
    JEET, Jun 12, 2021 IP