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What's the Current Status of MySpace Marketing?

Discussion in 'Social Networks' started by Carlito, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. #1
    I've got a new site that should do very well with the MySpace crowd.
    Unfortunately, I'm a total MySpace newb. Is it still an effective marketing option?

    It sounds like many accounts are getting banned and there are lots of complaints about automated friend adder programs not working. Can someone tell me what methods are currently working (if anything) with marketing on MySpace?
    Carlito, Jan 11, 2007 IP
  2. bdunndchi

    bdunndchi Member

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    I have a MySpace page for my business. I have added friends from specific groups related to my business. I have over 1300 friends, and I'm just a mouse click away from advertising for free to 1300 interested potential customers. Works great for me.
    bdunndchi, Jan 11, 2007 IP
  3. cyberoptik

    cyberoptik Active Member

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    If you advertise your MySpace page and get friends, it could be good (since they come to you). However if you're going to try and use a friend bot, or just go around advertising your site, people have become pretty tolerant of spam on MySpace and simply ignore it. Its also very easy to lose your account if you use a bot, I tried once and it only took like 4 or 5 hours for them to remove my account that already had 60 friends.
    cyberoptik, Jan 11, 2007 IP
  4. iul

    iul Well-Known Member

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    works fine for me, I got around 1800 impressions from visitors from myspace
    iul, Jan 11, 2007 IP
  5. Carlito

    Carlito Peon

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    But how are you getting them? SEO? Bulletins?

    It looks like there are some nice bulletin posting services I can get my feet wet on in the Services forum.
    Carlito, Jan 11, 2007 IP
  6. jesterx

    jesterx Peon

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    I know alot of people fail when it comes to marketing on myspace, they come back saying that it doesnt work. But its normally their marketing tactics that bring them down.

    What you have to remember to do with marketing with this medium is to ;-

    1) Make it seem inconspicuous - i.e. if you were selling and anti acne cream dont just say "have i have a great anti acne cream buy it now!" you could use something like, "Here is the cream I use and it got rid of my acne in 48 hours" or something to that effect. You can then post this on bulletin boards and forums and groups, or even to your friends if you know that they are teenages with acne problems. Its about creating a relationship.

    2) Dont reinvent the wheel. Have a look at some of the bigger companies marketing proucts or services. What are they doing? what is making them so successful.

    3) Build a list. Yes I know you have heard this a squillion times but without a list its going to make it harder for you to market to this group. Once you have a nice list gathered send them high quality content, gather their trust and then once you have established this you should sell them. I have had most success gaining their trust first and asking them to fill out a survey, give them several options, then send them to a customised sales page that focuses on the survey they filled out.

    i.e. if your survey was something like "what would you most like to know about japanese gardening?"..... and they send back "when should I water my plants........??"

    Send them to a sales page that has been customised to say things like "Hey it;s summer time and did you know that the temperature will hit 30 degrees tomorrow and thursday and you will want to know the ideal time to water your garden for maximum results....will this report will reveal all" this is just an example there are many various way that you can do this. It makes it more personalised and directed more towards them.

    just by customising these scripts i have increased my sales by about 32% but initially its starts with networking and having a list....even if its a smaller one.
    jesterx, Jan 11, 2007 IP
  7. freemenn

    freemenn Active Member

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    myspace can be good to find potential customers. But they can cut off your account if you make spam etc.
    freemenn, Jan 12, 2007 IP