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What's your recommendation: Wordpress or Wix to build a website?

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by carlosa98, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    Well what would you consider your post??

    It is less valuable than the one sentence post that answers the OP question
    locals, Jul 25, 2017 IP
  2. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Sound advice given what nube predating scam artist BULLSHIT BOTH systems are. They both vomit up broken, useless, inaccessible TRAIN WRECKS of how NOT to build a website, and anyone DUMB ENOUGH to use either for anything more complex than a blog for grandma richly deserves the steaming pile of epic failure they WILL end up with.

    I've never seen a website built with EITHER that was worth a damn! It's like asking which is better, a turd sandwich or a giant douche? ANYONE saying otherwise doesn't know enough about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility minimums, user experience, or interface design to be flapping their yap on the topic!

    Much like other monuments to stupidity like jQuery or Bootcrap which remain the province of the inept, ignorant, and just plain wishful thinking. Developers are the dumber as a whole for ANY such rubbish even EXISTING!

    Which is why if given the choice between turdpress, wix, or a bullet to the head, I'd pull the trigger myself!
    deathshadow, Jul 26, 2017 IP
    locals likes this.
  3. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    What is the point in just posting "wordpress"?? That really doesn't answer the OP's question, explain why you recommend dog shit over horse shit.
    malky66, Jul 26, 2017 IP
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  4. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    Because it's easier to pick up after... ??

    Are you available for writing jobs? Seriously, if so PM your price per 1000 words. Thanks

    Also because if they want to know reasons why individuals have selected chosen reasons... they should either create a post for that, or Google why one is better than the other... after getting the answers they have asked for.

    The post does not ask for an in depth explanation

    Nobody can build a better site than me in the same amount of time... if I am using WordPress and they are using anything else.

    On top of that, the ignorant people that refer to it as TurdPress, because of it's supposed security vulnerabilities, couldn't hack a WordPress site to save their life, at the same time their alternative development probably has more security holes in it than Bonnie and Clydes car had bullet holes
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2017
    locals, Jul 26, 2017 IP
  5. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Hyperbole or have you actually put that to the test?
    Would that include custom plugins?
    custom template

    or are you referring to cookie cutter wordpress?

    BTW I'm a fan of wordpress but your Trumpish "nobody can do x better than me" is irresistable
    sarahk, Jul 26, 2017 IP
    mmerlinn and locals like this.
  6. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    That would GREATLY depend on one's definition of "better" since again, I've NEVER seen a site built in turdpress that was worth a damn... Gibberish non-semantic HTML, endless presentational classes, pointless code bloat META no legitimate UA gives a flying fig leaf about, endless pointless separate scripts and stylesheets, style slopped into the markup. The sheer SCALE of ineptitude shown by the people who choose it only feeds upon itself like a never ending cycle... like sewing the back end of the human centipede to the front in some sort of sick human Ouroboros. "for people who know nothing about websites, BY people who know nothing about websites" just doesn't sound like a recipe for success for a business.

    Just like how its 'one ring' security means all you need to get in the door is some crappy broken plugin to exploit -- which since plugins are its #1 feature, it remains the #1 vulnerability.

    It earned that 2008 pwnie for a reason, and really the CVE isn't exactly encouraging...

    Admittedly, that one 'outer ring' was greatly shored up since 3.x dropped, but internally it is such a spaghetti code MESS of possible entry vectors, its like trying to guard 706 doors with one guard. He might be bigger and burlier than he was back in 2007, but still it's just one ring to penetrate and boom, you 0wn the whole system.

    Hence why damned near every new vulnerability is plugin related:

    It's also a little disturbing we're halfway through the year and TIED 2014 for vulnerabilities... Can we unseat 2007's train wreck? Certainly seem to be on the road to it... but hey, then we can nominate them for the 2018 pwnies!
    deathshadow, Jul 26, 2017 IP
    locals likes this.
  7. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    I completely agree, that is why I have bared down to the minimum of anything related to a plugin. However, I can not seem to ditch woocommerce for when I need shop related things, but other than that the only plugin I use is All in One SEO.

    I have learned that if you rely on a site that is based around plugins or development structure that is not WordPress CORE you are in for one hell of a ride.

    I agree, there can be A LOT of messes that an individual can get locked in with... for example, finding a really great Real Estate theme... that creates its own tables to house functions... then going through and editing the theme files to look and feel just like you would like the site to feel - only for the theme to become outdated and vulnerable to security threats. Then once that happens an individual goes to change the theme to find out... that the original theme created functions solely for that theme and no other theme will work with it...

    I have been through it all, in regards to wordpress, but for what I am using it for, if you can find a GREAT theme that does not rely on any plugins to function how you would like, an individual can continuously stay "up to date" as much as they can
    locals, Jul 26, 2017 IP
  8. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    LOL - seriously, this made me smile, I appreciate that.

    Really I was comparing multiple things when making that statement, for example first starting with time frames, then being that in a short amount of time frame all of the things that, not only myself, but an "experienced" wordpress guru with a desktop full of quick fall backs can do in comparison to an individual doing ANYTHING else that I have seen on the internet be able to do to date.

    keep in mind... I do sit at home and work on my own projects all day, so I do not really get to see what A LOT of other people are doing on the internet
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2017
    locals, Jul 26, 2017 IP
  9. MrKing01

    MrKing01 Active Member

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    What do you recommend people who want to start a website? I'm curious to know.
    MrKing01, Jul 26, 2017 IP
  10. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    HTML, CSS, JavaScript... pick a server side language. If you can't manage that, find someone who can.

    Never off the rack Eggsy... A bespoke suit always fits.

    If it's for a BUSINESS there is no excuse to be grabbing inept GARBAGE -- like Turdpress, or weebly, or wix -- apart from not actually caring about your web presence, not actually caring about reaching users, and trying to sleaze by on as little effort as possible; three things any LEGITIMATE business would/should never do.

    BUT we are overrun by fly-by-night scammers who try and dupe people into saying "Oh it's just this easy" when to be frank, there's a reason it's called work and not happy happy funtime. If you can't be bothered to do it right, why the blazes would a BUSINESS even bother apart from apathy, ignorance, and wishful thinking?

    Of course ignoring facts, and specifications, and guidelines is just more of the anti-intellectual pseudo-science quackery that plagues society as a whole, which is how we end up with people DUMB ENOUGH to believe in get rich quick schemes in the first place. There's a reason the people promoting things like Bootstrapcontinue to mindlessly parrot its praises despite the ENDLESS shortcomings and outright lies used to make it popular; it's the same level of cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias to be found amongst religious extremists.

    ... mated to again, an utter and complete IGNORANCE of what HTML is for, what CSS is for, why they are separate, and so on and so forth. "Wah, wah, I don't wanna learn anything or hire anyone that knows anything" is the FASTEST way to plow your business straight into the ground!

    Well, alongside the flip-side of that where they'll hire someone to do it because "they don't know anything about it" only to then micromanage ignoring everything the person they hired is trying to tell them... Come across that "what the **** did you even hire me for" scenario one too many times the past decade!
    deathshadow, Jul 26, 2017 IP
  11. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    developers are crying because it puts them out of a job, now all they can do, if they are lucky enough to get employed, is edit a wordpress site which is already up and only takes about 2 hours MAXIMUM

    They used to be able to rip people off and say it was going to take months to complete... they are the true POS out there
    locals, Jul 31, 2017 IP
  12. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Unless you actually care about accessibility, reaching as many users as possible, usability, speed... or JOE FORBID end up in litigation over accessibility woes due to the nature of certain sites.

    Then that two hours turns into a year of hell cleaning up after the mess some ignorant twaddle or sleazy scam artist slopped together any-old-way.
    deathshadow, Jul 31, 2017 IP
  13. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    You got it BACKWARDS. Turdpres is JOB SECURITY for developers. The more turdpress sites there are, the MORE demand there is someone TO FIX THE PROBLEMS WITH THEM, often meaning that it is CHEAPER to start over from SCRATCH than to try to fix the crap someone has slopped together.

    I am not a developer, but if I were I could make a great living fixing turdpress fuckups.
    mmerlinn, Jul 31, 2017 IP
  14. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    LOL you could make a living ripping people off that do not know any better. As disclosed above and before, it is more than likely NOT "TURDPRESS" but one of the plugins that a CRAPPY "DEVELOPER" made... how do you fix that, you ask??

    Find a new better plugin. You can not make a living off of repairing plugins unless you are lying to people or taking advantage of ones that do not know any better
    locals, Aug 1, 2017 IP
  15. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    LMMUTHAFUCKINAO have you seen your site LOL - any wordpress theme with or with out security vulnerabilities would be better than that LOL
    locals, Aug 1, 2017 IP
  16. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    You really don't understand the concept of CONTENT, do you @locals? @mmerlinns site works perfectly for what it is meant to do. Yes, it looks like a fucking trainwreck - but that is irrelevant. It delivers what it is meant to deliver, namely transmission-parts. Do you really think a mechanic, or someone rebuilding their car in the garage, cares what the fuck the website looks like, as long as he has what they need to get the tranny working again? Have you even LOOKED at Craigslist?
    PoPSiCLe, Aug 2, 2017 IP
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  17. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    Actually I think a well built site has A LOT to do with business and the amount of sales you bring in... will someone still use it, yes... will they refer someone, possibly... but do they like and enjoy it NO!
    locals, Aug 2, 2017 IP
  18. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Since you seem to think you are the expert, why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Build a better website than mine and PUT ME OUT OF BUSINESS.

    If you are not willing to do that, you are nothing more than an ignorant blowhard spewing nonsense about things you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.
    mmerlinn, Aug 3, 2017 IP
  19. locals

    locals Well-Known Member

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    I actually have the perfect domain name to do so...

    You just never know where your next competition will come from. But putting you out of business, when who's to say you are not living off of 1 sale a month, is a joke of a statement.

    But trust me, if I wanted to develop my automotive parts domain name into a fully functional site that looks, feels and interacts 1,000,000 times better than yours, I could. Trust me when I tell you that, as you can see from my past history and portfolio this is very possible.

    Also you did compare your site to CL as when I said YOUR SITE LOOKS LIKE ASSHOLE, you then mentioned that I must also think that CL looks like asshole, which is completely not true... HOWEVER, your site does look like ASSHOLE, in my opinion.

    Also just because your customers buy a transmission from your site, does not mean that they want to also vomit from the striking offset colors you have.

    How about you run a poll on your site and ask the visitors "DO WE NEED AN UPDATED WEBSITE"

    locals, Aug 3, 2017 IP
  20. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    You seem to continously confuse LOOKS and DESIGN, not to mention QUALITY and LOOKS. Looks is only part of the design. Most of the design of a site is behind the scenes, in how it interacts with the database, how the user can do things, like find what s/he is looking for, change information, input information, and so on. The front part, the UI, and the UX, is of coure an important part - and I fully agree that mmerlins site looks like shit :D However, it doesn't HAVE to be flashy, as long as it does what it needs to do. Most users who are looking for a car-part doesn't need flash, they need content, and that he has. Perhaps images of every part would be good (I dunno if it has images at all), and such, but apart from that, it's simple to navigate, it lists things relatively easy, and so on, so it does what it needs to do. And it loads very quickly.

    I don't doubt you could mush up a site that looks a lot better, with all the bells and whistles, images, search functionality, flashy animations and / or overuse of javascript - but would it be a BETTER site for it? Not necessarily. If I'm stuck in the middle of Texas with something like a shared T1-line, I don't want flashy. I don't want images. I just want a list of parts I can get, without anything else. That the page is yellow or blue or white, doesn't really matter.

    This is what it seems you don't understand, @locals - that how a page LOOKS is not really important to those who use it, unless looks is actually what you're selling (like for instance web-design). But, there is a catch - even if you're selling looks, unless you're also underestanding the underlying code that goes into making a good website, you would NEVER get a buy from me. If I go to a web-design company, and I see that they're using crap code, like over-use of javascript for simple functionality that could've been accomplished with CSS, or using Bootstrap or similar frameworks... then I just say "hell no" and move on. Because they obviously don't understand the craft.
    PoPSiCLe, Aug 5, 2017 IP