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When was the last time you had an authentically new, completely original thought?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Julian Brockmann, Mar 20, 2022.

  1. #1
    Psychologists estimate that the average person has 60,000 thoughts every day.

    Unfortunately, 95 percent of these thoughts are exactly the same as the day before.

    And they, in turn, are identical to those of the day before yesterday, and so on.

    In short, most of our mental activity is unproductive, a repetitive chatter that leads nowhere.

    Another problem is the constant sprinkling of external stimulation that is so prevalent in the Western lifestyle.

    A great many people have the TV or radio on all the time "for company", or spend their time reading trashy novels or surfing aimlessly on the web, etc.

    And then suddenly they are old and sick and realise that they have done nothing with their lives.

    All their thoughts come from other people and they have no idea who they really are or what the meaning of their life could be.

    When was the last time you had an authentically new, completely original thought?

    It is a sad fact that many people live in the same rut day after day, filling their minds with the mundane junk of an all-too-mundane existence.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2022
    Julian Brockmann, Mar 20, 2022 IP
  2. Platokart

    Platokart Greenhorn

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    I think that it depends on the problems I face and the situation in society because when i need to solve any problems, my brain is actively working and I have many original thoughts.
    Platokart, Mar 20, 2022 IP
  3. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    I've had original thoughts all of my life. This caused me problems in school as well as starting out in making a living. I learnt very quickly to develop a forceful, assertive personality in order to get my original thoughts into action.

    Eventually along with an education and strong family business connections, I was able to make a living and got well paid for my original thoughts, and now have everything I need as to wealth and finances.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2022
    Spoiltdiva, Jun 29, 2022 IP
  4. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    It depends on what you mean by "authentically new, completely original thought", I suppose. Me and my sales teams go into new and challenging situations multiple times per day and have to come up with creative strategies, tactics, and solutions that are unique to each situation to be successful. But I do not think that is the type of creativity you are asking about.

    I am absolutely not a "creative" in the marketing sense of the term (guy with ponytail/earring that comes up with the latest TV ad jingle.) And, I do not consider myself to be especially creative, in general, but I do seem to have an ability to take a bunch of disparate events, facts, etc., and put them together into a "big picture" that others did not see and that allows for the development of an overall business strategy to capitalize on the situation. Last time I did that, was this morning.
    jrbiz, Jun 29, 2022 IP
  5. MargoFarrel

    MargoFarrel Member

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    It is a really sad fact that many people live in the same rut day after day. Everything depends on them. And from you and me! Thanks for this post.
    MargoFarrel, Jul 4, 2022 IP
  6. spiced

    spiced Member

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    a few days ago actually I came up with a new idea for my business after a few hours of brainstorming
    spiced, Jul 8, 2022 IP