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Where's Anthony? Dow bounces back with best day in 2 years!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Mia, Apr 21, 2005.

  1. #1
    With all this bashing America and our economy as of late, it is pretty obvious the dismal peformance of the stock market the last few weeks was obviously the result of a bit of a sell off, not reduced consumer confidence.


    200 + point gain today on the Dow. I'm forever the optimist.

    Now how pray tell, do we explain this?

    Mia, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  2. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Yeah man, I hope you keep up the hope as another 81 Billion dollars was approved for the war effort, next you will say it is great that Bush wants to give Social Security funds to Wall Street..... Remember Enron Mia? Bush friend Ken Lay his has never done any time for stealing Billions from pension funds on that good deal. Would you tell those folks that worked all their lives and had all their money in Enron and lost everything to remain as happy about their futures as you are about yours Mia?

    Did you see the other good news from Iraq today Mia where the copter was shot down and everything is out of control?
    anthonycea, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  3. noppid

    noppid gunnin' for the quota

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    It's because of the new bankruptcy laws. The corps can sell more money to people that can't afford it and sue them into submission now.

    It's good that people need to be responsible for debt. But the high pressure sales and giving loans to folks that should not have had them to begin with is just a way to paint the line between rich and poor wider.

    Now the corps have a license to do it and the government to back them when it's time to take it all back.

    The end result will be more money spent by the taxpayers and more profit for the corps, of course wall street is up! :/
    noppid, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  4. Mia


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    Yes, I remember Bill Clinton's friend Ken Lay at Enron. I remember how all the corruption and bilking of innocent people's money went on during the Clinton administration. Yep, I certainly remember that well.

    That's a fact my man. Happened during the Clinton admin. Yep, that's it. Ah ha.. Yep.
    Mia, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  5. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Sure that is why he and Cheney met with him on the energy task force when they first got into office and Cheney will not release the records of that since their buddy got busted for theft of Billions in the Enron Scam.

    look up these key words:

    Energy task force investigation Ken Lay

    See the New York Stock Exchange composite 5 year chart of all NYSE stocks since 2000 then tell me how well the market has done.

    Attached Files:

    anthonycea, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  6. Mia


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    Fantastic considering we were in a recession 8 months prior to Bush taking office, 9/11, need I say more? Not really.
    Mia, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  7. noppid

    noppid gunnin' for the quota

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    And tell me how the average citizen benefited from your analysis?

    My point is this is only good for big business. The average consumer is taking it up the ass!
    noppid, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  8. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Noppid, Mia is the one on the side of the Republican criminals running this country, not me, I say impeach Bush and Cheney, sure they have screwed not only the American citizens but all citizens of the world.

    What analysis are you talking about :confused:
    anthonycea, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  9. noppid

    noppid gunnin' for the quota

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    Your graph thingy.
    noppid, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  10. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    That is a 5 year chart showing what all stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange have done since 2000.

    They went down big time and are now where they started when Bush took office, it is that simple.

    Next Mia, you say Ken Lay the Enron Chairman was Clinton's buddy but the following search shows that he is FAT DICK's friend and a fellow Houston Oil man along with the Bush Foundation.


    Ken Lay ruined the economy of the state of California by fraud in energy trading and that was the cause of the states failures and the corruption is part of the problem with the economy today.

    It is called the Dick Cheney factor (Highway robbery), he learned it all from Nixon and that crook Kissinger. :p
    anthonycea, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  11. noppid

    noppid gunnin' for the quota

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    No it's not. But I'm no expert either, so I can't correct you properly.
    noppid, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  12. GTech

    GTech Rob Jones for President!

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    Gloom, despair, and agony on me :D

    What else would we expect from Anthony?

    No matter how good something is for our country, it will always be bad for him.

    Anthony, enter these search terms:

    hillary clinton large testicles

    Results 1 - 10 of about 10,600

    Just because a predefined search shows results, does not mean they are accurate.
    GTech, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  13. Mia


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    I think Larry Flynt said it best when he defined "opinions".
    Mia, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  14. Mia


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    Back to Nixon again. It's like a broken record. Blah, blah, blah.
    Mia, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  15. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    How about GTech is a Republican Propagandist?

    I bet that one is very accurate GTech :p :D :p
    anthonycea, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  16. GTech

    GTech Rob Jones for President!

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    Who needs propaganda when facts are available everywhere?
    GTech, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  17. Mia


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    How about he is another person on this forum with an opinion that differs from your own. Why is it if someone disagrees with you they are labeled a Republican Propagandist?

    You can do better than that, can't you?
    Mia, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  18. anthonycea

    anthonycea Banned

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    Differ with this: Is this enough of a "FACT" for you GTech :confused:


    GAO Cites Corporate Shaping of Energy Plan

    By Mike Allen
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Tuesday, August 26, 2003; Page A01

    The White House collaborated heavily with corporations in developing President Bush's energy policy but repeatedly refused to give congressional investigators details of the meetings, according to a federal report issued yesterday.

    The General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, said in the report that Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham privately discussed the formulation of Bush's policy "with chief executive officers of petroleum, electricity, nuclear, coal, chemical and natural gas companies, among others."

    Vice President Cheney led the energy task force, a Bush priority. (Rich Pedroncelli

    _____More on Cheney, GAO_____

    • Cheney Loses Ruling on Energy Panel Records (The Washington Post, Jul 9, 2003)
    • Judges Question U.S. Move in Cheney Suit (The Washington Post, Apr 18, 2003)
    • GAO Ends Fight With Cheney Over Files (The Washington Post, Feb 8, 2003)
    • Suit Versus Cheney Is Dismissed (The Washington Post, Dec 10, 2002)
    • Is Judge's Past Prologue in Cheney Case? (The Washington Post, Nov 26, 2002)
    • Cheney-GAO Showdown Goes to Court (The Washington Post, Sep 28, 2002)

    An energy task force, led by Vice President Cheney, relied for outside advice primarily on "petroleum, coal, nuclear, natural gas, electricity industry representatives and lobbyists," while seeking limited input from academic experts, environmentalists and policy groups, the GAO said.

    The task force was one of Bush's highest priorities after his inauguration and was launched on his 10th day in office. None of the group's meetings was open to the public, and participants told GAO investigators they "could not recollect whether official rosters or minutes were kept," the report said.

    Yesterday's report was the culmination of a lengthy legal battle between Congress and the Bush administration over the secrecy of government deliberations. The GAO sued in federal court for access to records of Cheney's task force, but dropped the action after a decisive court setback, followed by pressure from Republicans. The GAO said its information was incomplete because of administration intransigence. Although the Energy Department released e-mails, letters and calendars that reflected heavy input from corporations, the GAO report provided the first systematic look at the extent to which the administration relied on corporations and insisted on secrecy in developing its policy, issued in May 2001.

    Among the previously disclosed meetings were private sessions for Kenneth L. Lay, then the chairman of Enron Corp., the Texas energy trading company that collapsed in the nation's largest accounting scandal. Lay was given a 30-minute meeting with Cheney and a conference with a top aide for the task force.

    David M. Walker, comptroller general of the United States and head of the GAO, said in an interview that the standoff over the task force documents called into question the existence of "a reasonable degree of transparency and an appropriate degree of accountability in government."

    Walker said the energy investigation was the first instance since he took office in November 1998 in which the GAO was unable to do its job and produce a report according to generally accepted government auditing standards.

    "The Congress and the American people had the right to know the limited amount of information we were seeking," Walker said.

    The White House issued no substantive response. Jennifer Millerwise, Cheney's spokeswoman, said the White House hopes "that everyone will now focus as strongly as the administration has on the substance of meeting America's energy needs."

    David S. Addington, the vice president's counsel, said in a letter to Congress last year that the task force, formally the National Energy Policy Development Group, met with "a broad representation of people potentially affected by the group's work," including state and local regulators, labor unions and wildlife advocates.

    After this month's blackouts crippled much of the Northeast and Midwest, GOP congressional leaders vowed to move swiftly after Labor Day on energy legislation that is based on Bush's policy and includes plans for shoring up the nation's electricity grid. The legislation has been stalled for more than two years; Democrats say that is because of Bush's insistence on tax breaks and other incentives for energy production, including oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

    The report provides Democrats with ammunition for their contention that Bush's energy policy is filled with favors for corporate interests. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.), who joined the request for the GAO probe when he was chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, said voters should know what role energy companies played in writing the policy. "They will never know the full truth because the White House chose to stonewall instead of cooperate with investigators," said Lieberman, a presidential candidate.

    The report said several corporations and associations, including Chevron Corp. (now part of ChevronTexaco Corp.) and the National Mining Association, gave detailed energy policy recommendations.

    ChevronTexaco declined to comment.

    Carol Raulston, a senior vice president of the National Mining Association, said the recommendations were given to both parties and published on the group's Web site. She said the most important one was funding for research into clean-coal technology. Cheney's report adopted that plan.

    The task force was "a centralized, top-down" process that involved several hundred federal employees but relied little on nonpolitical expertise in the government, the GAO report said. It said the Interior Department, which manages many of the federal lands where White House officials want to increase oil and gas exploration, "was not assigned a lead role in writing any of the [task force] report chapters."

    The report documents $861,250 in administration spending on the policy. But that amount does not include spending by the White House, where the task force recommendations were produced and most of the meetings were held.

    Of the 77 pages Cheney's office provided the GAO, two-thirds contained no cost information, and the remaining third included "miscellaneous information of little or no usefulness," the report said.

    The vice president's office "stated that it would not provide any additional information," the investigators wrote. An unusually caustic GAO news release complained of the office's "persistent denial of access" to task force records.

    In December, U.S. District Judge John D. Bates ruled that the GAO had no legal standing to sue the vice president for refusing to turn over the documents. That vindicated the argument of administration lawyers that such suits could encroach on the ability of the president and vice president to receive unvarnished advice. The GAO in February dropped its pursuit of the case.

    Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club are pursuing a separate legal battle for the energy records. A federal appeals court panel ruled last month that the groups could be entitled to documents from Cheney's staff. The Justice Department has asked the full appeals court to review the ruling.
    anthonycea, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  19. Solicitors Mortgages

    Solicitors Mortgages Well-Known Member

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    no anthony, two big planes hit two big buildings, triggering a war...
    thats how simple it was.

    NB: prior to that was a drop related to software and the dot com boom
    Solicitors Mortgages, Apr 21, 2005 IP
  20. Mia


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    Yes, the previous adminstration collaborated as well. Gee, it is so odd to think that an incoming president would actually collaborate with energy companies when forumating an energy policy for his incoming adminstration. You mean President Bush and his VP actually took time to do some research while working on their energy policy? Odd. Extremely odd.

    I wonder what other underhanded things he has done. Do you suppose he talked to school boards, and the education department while working on improving our schools? Dear God, I certainly hope not.
    Mia, Apr 21, 2005 IP