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Which CMS best for Personal Site Design ????????

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by mytechguru, May 9, 2008.

  1. #1
    Hi, i need design a Personal Site with CMS platform . can anyone guide me with total design cost of site with hosting.

    Site may have only 15 Pages.
    mytechguru, May 9, 2008 IP
  2. Joomla Dude

    Joomla Dude Banned

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    The best site for Personal website would be Joomla.There are many nice EXT for Joomla for Persdonal site development.
    If you want ,i can do it for you..
    And for Hosting,you dont have to worry.
    Just click on my 2nd signature link and sign up for the baby plan. It gives 600 GB space and 6000 GB bandwidth with cpanel and fantastico support also.
    Its 7.95$ /month,but you can sign up with the coupon code "wordpress" and get the 1st month for just 0.01$.

    So just sign up and enjoy the great host. Im running my 8 Joomla sites and 12 Wordpress sites in it sicne 7 months and its too good for me..

    And for the cost,
    if you need an unique design made,then it will cost around 300$,but if you want to use any of the premium themes,then it can done for FREE (If you get the work done by me).

    And for the complete website developent,the total cost would be around 220$.

    Let me know via Pm,if you want me to work for you.
    Joomla Dude, May 9, 2008 IP
  3. saqistation

    saqistation Peon

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    joomla is more advance where wordpress is more friendly.
    saqistation, May 10, 2008 IP
  4. richrf

    richrf Active Member

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    I've reviewed and tried out several CMS packages. For a personal site, there is absolutely no question in my mind that I would recommend Wordpress. Going in any other direction, including Joomla and Drupal, just adds time to you learning curve, increases expenses, increases instability, degrades backward compatibility between versions (Joomla is especially poor in this respect), and increases headaches, of which there are many when dealing with the shoot-from-the-hip design approach of Joomla and others.

    First, try out Wordpress. If it works, you are in the best place. If it is not sufficient (you should check out available plugins to make sure), then you may have to enter the wild west world of more advanced CMSs, which I am reluctantly forced to enter. The problem with opensource, is that the developers don't care one iota about existing customers. Commercial businesses, depend upon their existing customer base, and work hard to keep them within their fold.

    richrf, May 10, 2008 IP
  5. Joomla Dude

    Joomla Dude Banned

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    Well,let me clear the doubt..
    If he uses Wordpress,then he wont be able to implement more functions to it,but just a bloggy template and a boring look..
    But if you go for Joomla,you can have great options.
    You can get a nice template and a hell lot of functions and options also..
    The admin panel is also 1000% more advanced than Wordpress.
    Joomla Dude, May 10, 2008 IP
  6. richrf

    richrf Active Member

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    My experiences are quite different. Joomla is basically a blog, but some developers have hacked it or used the libraries to embellish it and developed some new applications which they call modules. The problem with these modules is that they often don't work or aren't ported to new versions of Joomla. Why aren't they ported? Because the Joomla developers, who have no allegiance to anyone but themselves, keep messing around with the architecture for their own fun and experimentation.

    Wordpress also has tons of add-on modules which are called plugins. These tend to work better from version to version (though definitely lots of issues), and can be used to extend Wordpress beyond the basic blog. Of course, a developer can hack Wordpress if they choose to create new applications or functions, but this is rarely done in the Wordpress environment, because of the maintenance and porting issues.

    If someone can use Wordpress, they should. Flat out. If they can't, just be prepared for a long learning curve and lots of frustration with the wild, wild world of Joomla and Drupal, where nothing is constant except the name.

    I kind of like the semi-professionalism of ExpressionEngine, which is a commercial product. However, the developers over there don't think it is necessary to provide good tutorials and documentation, and leave it up to the user to "figure it out". What they call the ah-ha moment. The ah-ha moment for me was when I figured out that ExpressionEngine is almost impossible to figure out unless I am totally enthralled with the prospect of spending very lon months wading through their maze of documentation. At that point, I turned to Drupal, which to me has the best organized documentation and tutorials. I think it is helpful that the founder of Drupal received $7 million of funding, which makes the product seem closer to a commercial product.

    richrf, May 10, 2008 IP
  7. extrememanoj

    extrememanoj Peon

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    Joomla is a better option for you..It can easily customize than any other CMS.
    extrememanoj, May 10, 2008 IP