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which CMS to used ? PHPNuke or e107 ?

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by poseidon, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. #1

    I am looking to use CMS to keep my site more organized. I checked in my cPanel and it says that PHPNuke and e107 is there to choose from. Now I am very new and don't have any idea about which is better or how to use CMS.
    What do u ppl think, which one will be better to work on for a 200 page site ?

    poseidon, Jan 26, 2006 IP
  2. LordGod

    LordGod Peon

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    both are good. you can also use Mambo or Joomla.

    For all 4 it will be better to download the latest versions from developers websites.
    LordGod, Jan 27, 2006 IP
  3. jaymcc

    jaymcc Peon

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    PHPNuke in my experience is better for a 'portal' style site with articles, while e107 is great for a full CMS. Both are comprehensive. I have installed both in the past and would recommend e107 over nuke for a content based site.

    If you do have the option though, i would move towards Mambo if at all possible.

    jaymcc, Jan 27, 2006 IP