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Which photoshop plugin could give 3d text effect ?

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by hanky_panky, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. #1
    Currently one of my buyer ask to do a 3d photoshop logo for his business. I am facing problem to include 3d text file in to photoshop. any one know any good plugin to make 3d text inside of photoshop ?
    hanky_panky, Jun 23, 2012 IP
  2. ifhamkhanblogger

    ifhamkhanblogger Member

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    You can use 3d Invigorator to make 3d text. Its a paid plugin. Else you can use Repousse, if you are using PS cs5
    ifhamkhanblogger, Jun 24, 2012 IP
  3. Todd Duquette

    Todd Duquette Well-Known Member

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    Just make it from scratch, It really isn't difficult. Plus, There are many MANY tutorials around on how to do it.
    Just gotta search.
    Todd Duquette, Jun 29, 2012 IP