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who is internetserviceteam .com and what are they doing?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by debunked, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. #1
    My awstats show this is a very busy host: 217-20-114-85.internetserviceteam.com

    I don't get a page when I search for them, but they are out of Denmark or Germany.

    My problem is that they seem to be on our site a lot and I have no idea why???

    THen getting a blank page makes me wonder if something fishy is going on here.

    Anyone have any ideas? Normally AOL or Charter will show up at the top since they are U.S. providers that many people are using when viewing our site.

    I guess it could be we are ranking high in Germany for something, but the rest of the stats don't show anything that would make that the reason.
    debunked, Feb 14, 2005 IP