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Wordpress "Read More" Tag

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by LindseyInteractive, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. #1

    I'm looking to do another Wordpress Site and love the "read more" feature on this site -https://www.entertainmentone.com/about-eone/

    If you scroll down to any of their services and click on a "read more" button, it pulls down an entirely new row of things, new photos and information.

    I'm trying to figure out the best way to do that in Wordpress? I know there are the "Read more" sections, but it doesn't normally pop down an entire row like that and keep the design nice and neat like that.

    Any suggestions?
    LindseyInteractive, Aug 17, 2020 IP
  2. IMDaniel

    IMDaniel Greenhorn

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    You can design your own pages the way you want with plugins.
    with Thrive Architect or element you can design your pages with features like that.
    IMDaniel, Aug 17, 2020 IP
  3. Saputnik

    Saputnik Well-Known Member

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    It looks like accordion. Google search for "Wordpress read more accordion" returns several plugins that claim to do it, check to see if is what you're looking for.
    Saputnik, Aug 17, 2020 IP