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Working from home: Pros and Cons

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by LDsallday, May 23, 2022.

  1. Harvey Wolf

    Harvey Wolf Member

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    Personally, think its the type of social person you are. Many do prefer to work on their own, they know they will get more done and wont be disturbed.

    That said, competition is a good thing if taken correctly, some may need that 'push' from others and you can't get pushed if no one is there!
    Feedback too is a great mechanism to know you're on course, alone and it might be an upward struggle, especially if you think you are doing great, but in reality are not.

    Personally, believe your character and especially your circumstances will make a big difference on how you handle being at home, who knows you may love it, (but then again you may find you miss your colleagues, the banter and possibly even the routine too much).

    From a personal perspective working from home has made me more disciplined.
    Harvey Wolf, Jul 31, 2022 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  2. terryneo3

    terryneo3 Peon

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    Yep, and I believe working at home as an option is better. Employees and employers can find the best way to work together.
    terryneo3, Aug 1, 2022 IP
  3. Pics4You

    Pics4You Greenhorn

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    It is good you can work from anywhere, I take my "office" where ever I go but sometimes FOCUS is bad because I think I will do it later and later and day ends. I still preffer that more than working in real office from 9-5.
    Pics4You, Aug 2, 2022 IP
    deluxdon likes this.
  4. MargoFarrel

    MargoFarrel Member

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    I've been working from home for more than 3 years. I have an experience working from office and from home. They both have own pros and cons. And even I cannot choose the best one. At office we can speak with colleagues, we can drink coffee, telling some funny stories. At home I am alone, but I can wake up and take my cup of tea - turn on the laptop - and work without any wasted time!
    MargoFarrel, Aug 5, 2022 IP
  5. petersonisador

    petersonisador Peon

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    I've been working from home for a long time now. For me there are a lot of advantages to this, for example the free working schedule, you don't have to go to the office every day. There are a lot of professions oriented towards remote work, and employers benefit from that, too. But such work suits only those who have developed self-discipline and self-organization. Someone may think that working at home away from the team and colleagues is boring. Not at all, in my company there are frequent video conferences, daily communication in messengers, phone calls, so I do not get bored.

    My opinion about working from home – if there is an opportunity to work like that, and you understand that this work format suits you, then it is safe to choose it.
    petersonisador, Aug 19, 2022 IP
  6. Sunaofe

    Sunaofe Peon

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    Working from home, If you spend hours on your feet daily like most people do, then you should consider making a switch to this standing desk. Many studies have demonstrated that prolonged sedentary behavior (SB) increases health risks. Get some ergonomic office furniture to reduce long time sitting.
    Sunaofe, Sep 7, 2022 IP
  7. Warner Williams

    Warner Williams Active Member

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    I have been working from home since 2018 and really can't imagine going back to an office setting. remote work is the future.
    Warner Williams, Apr 7, 2023 IP
  8. soap94

    soap94 Peon

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    Only cons :D
    soap94, Apr 9, 2023 IP
  9. JSMark

    JSMark Well-Known Member

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    1. Flexibility: Working from home offers more flexibility in terms of scheduling and breaks. You can structure your workday to better suit your needs and responsibilities outside of work.

    2. Cost-effective: You save money on commuting, eating out, and other expenses that come with working in an office.

    3. Comfort: You can work in your pajamas, create your own workspace and set your own temperature.

    4. Increased productivity: Many people report being more productive when working from home, thanks to fewer interruptions and a quieter work environment.

    1. Isolation: Working from home can be lonely, and you may miss the social interaction and camaraderie of an office environment.

    2. Distractions: It's easy to get distracted by household chores, family members, or pets when working from home.

    3. Lack of work-life balance: Working from home can blur the lines between work and personal life, making it difficult to switch off and unwind.

    4. Technology challenges: Technical issues, internet connectivity, and hardware malfunctions can become a significant inconvenience when working from home.
    Ultimately, your decision will depend on your personal preferences and lifestyle. If you thrive on social interaction and a structured environment, you may prefer returning to the office. On the other hand, if you prefer flexibility and autonomy, working from home may be a better option.
    JSMark, Apr 11, 2023 IP