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write on text on photos

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by sherio8, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. #1
    i have 500 photo and i want to tell me about easy way to right my website on that photos by one click :rolleyes:
    Solved! View solution.
    sherio8, Oct 31, 2011 IP
  2. sam555

    sam555 Peon

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    How make to sure that u r web site is best..........?
    sam555, Oct 31, 2011 IP
  3. ozrocks22

    ozrocks22 Member

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    You can get a watermark software which will automatically insert your watermark into the pages - with the watermark you can insert your site. Google free watermark software or something like that.
    ozrocks22, Nov 1, 2011 IP
    sherio8 likes this.
  4. #4
    Sorry. There are ways to add a watermark on a picture. A watermark is basically something that prevents a user from taking or using your picture, and if they do, it has your logo or website in it. Please google "free add watermark to photo" and review some of the results. For the online softwares, you will be able to upload your pictures, your watermark (in this case your website) and let the program process it. When it has finished processing, you should get all 500 pictures with your website on it.
    ozrocks22, Nov 1, 2011 IP