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You are naked!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Weirfire, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. #1
    I just got an email with a Zip attachment which my Antivirus picked up and deleted.

    But the only textual content of the email was Your photo, uahhh.... , you are naked!

    I tell you, it got me really curious as to whether someone had actually taken a naked picture of me. Anyone else had this amusing email?
    Weirfire, Mar 2, 2005 IP
  2. Dio

    Dio Well-Known Member

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    One can hear the sound of unprotected PCs getting infected as we speak, with people who actually do think that someone has... :D

    "No! How could they?! Better check that, but first I must sort out my security details that the bank just requested by email - otherwise I can't pay my admin fee for that Nigerian bank transfer..." :p
    Dio, Mar 2, 2005 IP