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Your pic into vector

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by campolar, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. #1
    hi....i can make your pic into a vector...ofcourse it wont look like a real image but it will be in high quality and 100% scalable being a vector...

    The pricing starts at $25 if you want on your pic vectorized...the price is changed upon the details...

    I am not giving any review copy since i am showing you my quality of work...

    I took a stock photo: http://webphotomart.com/showphoto.php?id=715

    And this is my vector of that pic:

    I will show you your vector, and if you like it, you get the AI file after payment. Your vector will be completed with 24 hours (or sometimes 48 hours)

    You are free to ask any question...PM me for orders...

    PS: Payment is through paypal and you recieve the vector in AI format...Also will be better if you pic is on a white background.
    campolar, Jan 3, 2009 IP
  2. campolar

    campolar Peon

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    I dont understand you...both pictures you show me are orignal images...
    campolar, Jan 4, 2009 IP
  3. innovati

    innovati Peon

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    both pictures I showed you are my vector traces of photographs, a trained eye can see that.

    Just to prove it to you, I'll take the low-res preview image from the site you linked to, even with the watermark:


    And I turned it into this in a matter of seconds without any manipulation using free tools and a little skill:


    Give me a photo and lets have a Vector Trace competition right here. I will use ONLY free tools in the manipulation of mine, tools any computer user on any operating system could install.

    Here's the contest, take it or leave it:

    - List your tools, and their price.

    - Take the same source image and do your vector trace.

    - Post a video of the entire process from source image to result image online for everybody to see your process.

    I think that's about it, if you accept my challenge, post an image here that we'll both use and I'll check tomorrow.
    innovati, Jan 4, 2009 IP
  4. campolar

    campolar Peon

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    After hving a second close look i see they are vectors...but when u make them in a big size, you can see different color lines...
    campolar, Jan 4, 2009 IP
  5. campolar

    campolar Peon

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    btw innovati, you are using tracing tools...i'm making the vectors by hand...
    campolar, Jan 4, 2009 IP
  6. innovati

    innovati Peon

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    Hand-made planar images! That's what I love. I haven't gotten a huge selection here, most of my attempts are on my old hard drive, but I used to be a part of the Vexels community and this is the sort of stuff that they do:

    Mostly teen girls and young women, and of course they'd do it for hire, since the vexels site and forum went down I think they're all on Deviantart now.

    Either way, the question becomes: at what point does the time you take to make a hand-made vector image better than a smart trace?

    How many hours do you have to put into an image before is surpasses the quality of an automatic tool. I mean I'm all for hand-made vectors, and I believe the eye can create more pleasing shapes than the processor, yes less accurate to the image, but kinder to the viewer. But these things take a LONG time to create.

    Here's an attempt, using low settings and only the watermarked low-quality preview image I have and not the full image like you have - here's my attempt to quickly replicate what you did in a couple of programs, guess which one is adobe Illustrator....


    I guess what I'm trying to say is not only does you image look suspect and not surpass the quality of a skilled trace, but the artists out there who do it as you claim take dozens of hours to produce vectors better than a trace. They also charge according to the time it takes them.

    I can't see how you stand to make ANY profit charging 25$ if this takes you any more than 3 hours, simply because of the time you're losing.

    I'll tell you what, I can offer vector traces for 10$. I won't go in and do it all by hand, but what I will do it I'll offer something I'm not sure you can. I'm a graphic designer and I have taken college courses that have trained me to do this sort of work, and I also have a sensitivity to colour and line that an untrained eye simply doesn't have. I will manipulate your image and massage it for the trace to produce a better result and you'll have a variety of traces to choose from - you get them all and you can pick whatver one you feel like using. And I'll go one step further - I deliver in standard vector formats that can be opened and edited in ANY vector program, not just Adobe Illustrator.
    innovati, Jan 4, 2009 IP
  7. Xavier_3D

    Xavier_3D Well-Known Member

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    This sure is turning out to be heck alot then just a $25.00 Vector Transformation. :) What are you 2 upto?
    Xavier_3D, Jan 4, 2009 IP
  8. innovati

    innovati Peon

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    I'm just defending potential clients and the integrity of professional designers.

    My challenge still stands, whether you do it by hand or not. Choose any image you want, list the tools you use to make your vector (by hand or otherwise) and then post a video capturing every moment you spent working on the file and the total time it took.

    If you accept my challenge, I'll do the exact same thing with the same original image, and post the same things here, and we'll let each person decide for themselves which image they'd rather pay for, and the price we'd charge for it.

    The decision to accept the challenge is on you, if you're honest enough to take it.
    innovati, Jan 4, 2009 IP
  9. campolar

    campolar Peon

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    You say $25 is quite less for the time it takes? Well yes i know that but i'm quite bored nowadays with nothing to do...so i offered a cheap service thinking i would get more clients this way...but damn no luck :D

    so i'll be starting a new project today or watsoever...
    campolar, Jan 5, 2009 IP
  10. silent_thunder

    silent_thunder Well-Known Member

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    lolz haha nice one there:D $25 for this
    silent_thunder, Jan 5, 2009 IP
  11. innovati

    innovati Peon

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    so basically since I called your bluff and was prepared to show everybody how they could do this using free tools all of a sudden you don't want to offer that service for 25$ anymore?

    And now that somebody who is trained has given you an honest challenge you won't take it?

    What's going on here, something doesn't add up. It seems to me like you're trying to cheat people out of money by not being 100% totally honest with the services/product you're selling, and when somebody challenges you on your honesty instead of defending it and revealing your work, you simply walk away and decide to offer something new.

    I can think what I want about the quality of your work, but what you have just shown here isn't about your artistic merit at all: it's about your character. No matter what you may really be like, the image I have of you is a dishonest cheating amateur who is trying to exploit the ignorance of untrained people.

    I don't have a lot of respect for people who take advantage of others so if I were you I'd either be taking that challenge or making some serious character adjustments right now. the choice is yours, but I hope everybody who was thinking of hiring you sees this thread and what you're saying here.
    innovati, Jan 5, 2009 IP
    Kerosene likes this.
  12. SornSoft

    SornSoft Peon

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    LOL My thoughts exactly
    SornSoft, Jan 5, 2009 IP
  13. linkstraffic

    linkstraffic Well-Known Member

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    Dont' be so rude innovati... I think he's honest, he did show what he is up to and imo I wouldn't pay for it and I guess that no one will pay unless he's got a few bucks to throw!

    He's not taking your challenge because he can not take it... actually you could offer some nice design tips instead and challenge him right after :)

    you've got some nice projects in your portfolio, I would like to learn more about your references, may be just with a few links such as the vexel art one.
    I also like to design but I lack of experience and I never followed any courses.
    linkstraffic, Jan 6, 2009 IP
  14. esem

    esem Member

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    Vectors of yourself are cool.

    Lol, Good job inno.
    esem, Jan 6, 2009 IP
  15. innovati

    innovati Peon

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    @linkstraffic: I'm not trying to be rude here, I personally feel like the first post devalued the skilled trade I have spent thousands of dollars and years of my life to study. In that states of mind, I tried to not only defend my position, and the industry of trained professionals that I represent, but I also tried to inform potential clients against what I believe is a FAR overpriced service by offering to simply reveal the method and process used in a factual and expository way.

    When unbiased recording of a commissioned professional completing work they would be charging for becomes rude, you have lost all perspective of business and honesty. Who's hiding something here? It's not me, and I realize that I also could take advantage of people's ignorance and scam them, but instead of that I offered to reveal the secret and process, using FREE tools that any user could have and replicate the same results at not only no cost of labour, but no cost of tools.

    That's a very selfless and honest thing to do, so how you manage to twist that into being rude is beyond me. I also preferred to talk about the process of creating the image and refrained from personal attacks and name-caling by using articulate and carefully chosen wording to not allow my emotions to govern the words I was saying. I am aware that as a freelancing professional, any future client has the chance to read what I have written here, and I did not PM these to Campolar, I wrote them here for all to see, to be measured against my reputation as a trained designer.

    @esem: I vectorize many images as I prefer colour planar images to continuous-tone images in my work. I like the clarity, scalability and file-size advantages of vectors. I have traced many images of different subjects using different subjects, including myself - the two I posted were simply the first two I could find that I had previously uploaded that were done in Inkscape (which uses code from PoTrace to do the tracing for it)
    innovati, Jan 6, 2009 IP
  16. a4hire

    a4hire Active Member

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    does inkscape have that tracing script built in ? I mean if I install inkscape then there is a tracing option within the program ?
    a4hire, Jan 6, 2009 IP
  17. innovati

    innovati Peon

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    Yes! Inkscape uses the PoTrace libraries to trace bitmapped images, and the keyboard shortcut is Shift-Alt-B

    PoTrace can also be downloaded as a separate application for free as well (without the Inkscape part of course)

    These traced images can then be saved to a variety of formats, including the standard SVG format, PDF, AI and many more.
    innovati, Jan 6, 2009 IP
  18. Baker

    Baker Well-Known Member

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    and its scalable?
    Baker, Jan 7, 2009 IP
  19. linkstraffic

    linkstraffic Well-Known Member

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    I'm sorry, I did not intend that you were hiding anything. On the contrary I would like to learn more about where you get your inspiration on the Internet so I can study some materials which could enhance my design skills.
    linkstraffic, Jan 7, 2009 IP
  20. innovati

    innovati Peon

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    the difference between a bitmapped image and a vector image is that bitmapped images start out with a set resolution, a grid of so many potential pixels - and then you colour the image one pixel at a a time.

    Vector images you place dots and connect them with lines and fills - meaning not only are the files smaller, but you can change the resolution they are shown at and the computer will simply re-draw them at that scale.

    Once you trace a bitmap it will be scalable and you can stretch that image to be the size of north america and it's going to be just fine.
    innovati, Jan 7, 2009 IP