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Zoom in-Window and Stream Lines

Discussion in 'Photoshop' started by Audun Nilsen, Apr 12, 2024.

  1. #1

    Just getting into web design, and I know a little from before, but basically, it´s ... a desert.

    The first issue I encountered now was, making a layer via copy.

    I want to make a zoom in like this:

    "Could not make a selection, because the selected area was empty"

    Any help greatly appreciated, thanks


    I also want fancy stream lines, like on the Windows logo-background.
    Audun Nilsen, Apr 12, 2024 IP
  2. GreenHost.Cloud

    GreenHost.Cloud Member

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    For the layer via copy issue, make sure to select the correct layer before copying to avoid any errors.
    To create a zoom effect, ensure there is content in the selected area to avoid the "empty" error message. Look into tutorials on creating zoom effects for more guidance.
    For stream lines like the Windows logo-background, consider using a graphics software like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to create custom designs. Experiment with different tools and techniques to achieve the desired look.
    GreenHost.Cloud, May 28, 2024 IP